EMA seeks to lessen the impact of disasters, needs your help


Over the past year, Logan County officials have updating the natural hazard mitigation plan for our area. Now they need the community to review the final draft and provide comment between now and Tuesday, July 25.

An electronic copy can be found at the website consultrsa.com/logan. No password is needed and it’s easy to read, download or print from the site.

You can also pick up a printed plan for review from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Logan County Emergency Management Agency, 1855 W. State Route 47, Bellefontaine, on Thursday July 20; Friday, July 21; Monday, July 24; or Tuesday, July 25.

“We would greatly appreciate receiving your suggestions, concerns, feedback or positive comment,” Helen Norris, Logan County EMA director, said. “And we’ll have a short form available for those who review a paper copy.”

Once the review period ends and necessary changes are made, the plan will be submitted to the State of Ohio Emergency Management Agency for their review, which needs to be done by July 28. Then it will be sent to FEMA Region V in Chicago for final review and approval.

The last two steps take approximately 90 days, though the local EMA has no control over the timeframe.

Upon approval by FEMA, the Logan County Commissioners will adopt the plan and the local municipalities will be encouraged to do the same.

The Logan County Emergency Management Agency offered an opportunity for fairgoers to review the 2023 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan at the 2023 Logan County Fair. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)