BLHS Class of 2023 ready for ‘life to begin’


Three Benjamin Logan High School Class of 2023 co-valedictorians provided enthusiastic remarks Friday evening, May 26, during commencement exercises, inspiring their fellow graduates as they embark on a new venture and carve out their own paths.

“Today is the day my life begins,” co-valedictorian Elliott Bailey said.

She offered a reflection on the Class of 2023 motto: “There are far, far better things ahead than anything we leave behind.” Elliott encouraged her classmates to look to the future with hope, leave behind the bad, but forever remember the good experiences from childhood.

“Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in our lives — a fresh start. Today is the day our lives begin.”

Also serving as the senior class president, Elliott addressed her peers before they moved their tassels, challenging them to reach for the stars and dream big.

“You each have the ability to become your own version of success. No matter where your future takes you. Know that someone is praying that you succeed in every facet of your life. Take pride in knowing where you came from and pleasure in what your future holds.”

Co-valedictorian Ian Scheiderer told his fellow graduates that they have “so much to be proud of.

“Our class is unique, selfless and has perseverance,” he said.

Through an analogy about Kobe Bryant, Ian related that while they have achieved a great victory in graduating from BLHS, there is more to accomplish.

“A new chapter has just started,” he said. “Tonight’s an amazing victory: the class of 2023 is up 2-0, but the job is not yet finished. The world awaits the Class of 2023 to make a difference.”

Co-valedictorian Isaac Napier incorporated his passion for music within his speech. He plans to attend Michigan State University, double majoring in jazz studies and mathematics.

“As I look around the room, I notice all of the feelings and emotions that we’re experiencing today. It hits all of the notes.”

The students’ many lessons learned the classroom have shaped them into who they are today, Isaac related.

“Someone very influential once told me that you have to imitate in order to create.

We’ve imitated the world around us to create the best versions of ourselves, to create who we want to be.”

Isaac urged his peers to “go out into the world and create your own melody, discover your own harmony, and beat the rhythm of your own drum. Be who you want to be.

Make your own music. And above all, never be afraid to hit a few wrong notes along the way.”

Benjamin Logan High School Class of 2023 members, from the left, Luke Adams, Ras-D George Ahnutae, Kameron Allen and Riley Anderson make their way to their seats for Friday’s commencement ceremony. (EXAMINER PHOTO | Mandy Loehr)

The top 10 students in the Class of 2023 were honored at the ceremony. In addition to the three valedictorians, the remaining top 10 graduates are: Jonas Hoffman, Brielle Moorhouse, Hannah White, Kendra Kennedy, Macy Matthews, Alanna Gibson and Kamryn Gilmore.

Graduates were also recognized for their future career choices, including three individuals that have enlisted in the armed forces: Elliott Bailey, Matthew Beikman and Robert Glen Alexander Crumm.

A moment of silence also was offered to remember classmate Wyatt Smith, who passed away in November 2019 following an automobile accident, and Benjamin Logan teacher Brad Jones, who passed away in December 2022.

Superintendent John Scheu focused his message to the graduating seniors on athletes fighting through adversity and remaining resilient throughout life, sharing examples of individuals who never gave up who defined the meaning of commitment and resiliency.

“Don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’t do it — set your mind to what you want to do and do it. Be resilient and committed.”

BLHS Principal Brian Powderly detailed the difficult training the the Navy SEALS undergo. He noted that it’s not typically the biggest candidates who make it to the end, but rather the “smallest guy with the most mental fortitude” and caring demeanor.

“So my invitation to you this evening is to be like a Navy SEAL. Learn fast to help as many others as you can on your left and on your right. Especially those who can never repay you.”

Members of the BLHS Class of 2023 include:

Luke Morgan Adams, Ras-D George Ahnutae, Kameron James Allen, Riley Nicole Anderson, Rylee Payge Anderson, Ty Douglas F. Anspach, Aaron Michael Arlequeeuw, Alison May Armentrout, Molly Anabella Arseneau, Elliott June Bailey, Malori Mae Barnes, Matthew Alvin Beikman, Zada Grace Bennett, Ryder Drake Bensman, Trevor Lance Berry, Lily Grace Blackburn, Caitlin Renee’ Blumenschein, Jaydon Lee Bolling, Preston Scott Bothel, Mason Eugene Cecil Boyd, Nickolas Ryan Michael Boyer, Madison Laine Buettner, Ashlynn Grace Carpenter, Eternity Starlynn Catterson, Justin Everett Coleman, Hayden Erika Copas, Gavin Michael Craig, Lane Elias Crapnell, Robert Glen Alexander Crumm, Kylee Kay Cutlip, Kiley Jo Daniels, Zane David Danner, Zoe Marie Dappert, Jessi Nichol Daugherty, Elizabeth Kay Deardurff, Aidan James Dials, Sean Paul Dick, Kaylee Lynn Dilich, Emma Grace Ewing, Mason Thomas Flint, Sarah Elizabeth Folk, Wyatt Lee Folk, Chloe Lacie Gallagher, Alanna Viktoria Gibson, Kamryn Arlene Gilmore, Kelsey Lynn Godwin, Carolina Sophie Habacher, Gage Marine Hamm, Rhea McKinley Harner, Ryan Augustis Harrod, Alexis Elizabeth Hart, Liberty Ann Hays, Kaleb Andrew Heath, Ellie Jane Heim, Rachel Nicole Hein, Lukas Andrew Hemmelgarn, Allie Claire Henault, Kaylee Dawn Renee Maxine Henry, Justine Rena Hites, Jonas Fulton Hoffman, Benjamin Lawrence Howard, Andrew Michael Huffman, Ethan Micheal Hyder, Mason Xander Jackson, Trevor Kevin Kelly, Hayden Matthew Kennaw, Kendra Brooke Kennedy, Daniel Dale Kensler, Alexis Debrah Ann Key, Michael Patrick Kinney, Alexander Philip Wayne Kuhn, Hunter Lee Lattimer, Robert Harrison Leezer, Chasen Hunter LeVan, Carson Lee Lyden, Maximus Wade Mannings, Emalee Logann Manns, Riliegh Nicholle Martin, Macy Lynn Matthews, Caleb Jean McFadden, Parker Marcel McGowan, Lucas Dalton McKenrick, Sariah Katheryn Miller, Trey Evan Miracle, Allison Taylor Moore, Kyah Nicole Moore, Brielle Auburn Moorhouse, Damian Andrew Munoz-Martinez ~ Emily Faith Musser, Isaac Alan Napier, Faith Yvonne Nawman, Kayleigh Anna Noel, James Owen O’Brien, Isabella Mia Pavoni, Johnathan Michael Edward Payne, Cheyanne Darlene Peterson, Micah Lee Peterson, Jillian Rose Plikerd, Melissa Reece Plikerd, Alexander Robert Potvin, Lahna Paulyn Predmore-Keller, Conner Wayne Reames, Liliana Anela Rodriguez, Alexander Frazure Rogers, McKenzee Lee Roseburrough, Michael Joseph Rostorfer, Kailynn Renee Rotroff, Ian Ravi Scheiderer, Yale Avery Scheiderer, Vaughn Michael Schmidt, Payton Marie Shaw, Ella Kimberly Shively, Devyn Renee Skaggs, Aubree Rose Snyder, Isaiah Matthew Stanford, Garret Lee Stineman, Jessie Rose Gayle Stump, Falen Guido Thomas, Kade Patrick Thomas, Zander Ross Thompson, Joshua Brayden Tipton, Caden Jesse Elijah Torres, Brandon Cole Vogelsang, Evan Archer Wall, Carson Robert Webb, Piper Marie Wellington, Hannah Brooke White, Connor Eugene Whitt, Samuel Trevor Whitten, Adam Jacob Williams, Leeah Elizabeth Williams, Whitney Lynne Willoby, Sydney Taylor Woodruff, Brooks Michael Wynn, Olivia Nicole Yelton.