Mary Rutan Foundation provides aid for youth mental health programs


Mental health was identified this year as the highest priority of health risk and need in Logan County during the community’s most recent needs assessment.

Furthermore, there is an increased concern about mental health for our youth. Through the Signs of Suicide screening administered to Logan County students during the 2022- 23 school year, 21 percent of combined eighth-, 10th- and 12th-graders indicated having attempted suicide one or more times and 19 percent tested positive for suicide ideation.

Due to these alarming statics, school-based, youth mental health was the focus of Mary Rutan Foundation’s 2023 wellness grant program.

Grants were awarded to four area schools for programs and initiative that focus on empowering students to take ownership of their mental health and wellbeing, promote peer support, teach coping skills, incorporate kindness and inclusion, as follows:
• Benjamin Logan High School, $3,000 – ROOTS Program.
• Benjamin Logan Middle Schools, $2,500 – Champion of Choices Program.
• Riverside Local Schools, $3,300 – From the Inside Out & ROX Program.
• West Liberty Salem Middle School, $500 – Project Tiger Culture.

“Mary Rutan Foundation is proud to invest in these programs targeted to address the mental health concerns for our area youth,” said Tammy Allison, Mary Rutan Foundation chief operating officer. “We believe that we can be most impactful by partnering with area educators to provide resources to promote healthy lifestyles and mental wellbeing.”

The Mary Rutan Foundation began its community grant program in 2014. Since that time, nearly $450,000 has been awarded to local organizations committed to doing their part to make Logan County a healthier community.

For further information regarding Mary Rutan Foundation wellness initiatives or to contribute to the Foundation, call (937) 599-7003 or e-mail tammy.allison.

Riverside Local Schools’ “From the Inside Out & ROX Program” received a Mary Rutan Foundation wellness program grant. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

Representatives from Benjamin Logan High School and the Mary Rutan Foundation display a check for the school’s ROOTS Program. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

Benjamin Logan Middle Schools received a Mary Rutan Foundation wellness program grant for the “Champion of Choices Program.” (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

“Project Tiger Culture” at West Liberty Salem Middle School received a Mary Rutan Foundation grant. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)