City officials attend Ohio Municipal League Conference


Ohio Municipal League President Carrie Schlade, also the mayor of Bryan, addresses attendees from the podium at the 2023 conference. Also pictured are State Rep. Jon Cross and State Senator Rob McColley. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

Bellefontaine Mayor Ben Stahler and Service/Safety Director Wes Dodds participated in the 2023 annual conference of the OML last week in Columbus.

Featured speakers included Ohio’s first lady, Fran DeWine, Representative Jon Cross and State Senator Rob McColley.

There were a wide array of topics, including preparing for crisis in your community, employing artificial intelligence for economic development, preparing for the 2024 total solar eclipse in your area, forecasting Ohio’s economic landscape, and the state of railway safety in Ohio.

Attendees also received updates on Ohio’s legislative matters and a legislative briefing from Washington D.C. offered by the executive director of the National League of Cities.

“This conference is always attended by a variety of mayors, council members, fiscal officers, and other municipal associates,” noted Stahler, who serves as the 2023 chairman of the Mayors Association of Ohio. “In addition to valuable topics, it’s an opportunity to network with municipal leaders from across the state.”

Ohio First Lady Fran DeWine speaks at the Ohio Municipal League Conference. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)