Board of DD’s 2024 budget incorporates additional state support


Logan County Board of Developmental Disabilities Business Director Jennifer Frail presented the 2024 budget for the board’s approval during the Thursday, Oct. 12, meeting.

One of the largest changes in the budget for the upcoming year is going to be an expected increase in costs due to the provider rates increasing by 38 percent, starting Jan. 1.

The Logan County Board of DD’s budget planning stems directly from changes in Ohio’s 2024-2025 budget, where the state has made the largest investment in the history of Ohio’s developmental disability community, Frail noted.

These new funds support rate increases for direct support provisions and waiver services, including Adult Day Services, Homemaker/Personal Care Services and Vocational Habilitation Services.

It is the intent that people will continue to be able to receive their current level of service authorization with increased cost limits and that services will not need to be decreased due to the rate increases.

“The Logan County Board of Developmental Disabilities’ is committed to maintaining and demonstrating superior fiscal responsibility to the community,” Frail said.

In other news, the numbers of individuals served by LCBDD continues to grow among all age groups, officials noted.

Increasing numbers of children are entering through developmental screenings and identification into the Early Intervention and Preschool programs. In addition, larger numbers of adults and children are becoming eligible for SSA (case management) services through the intake and eligibility process and because of increases in intensive needs, these individuals may require frequent contact or more specific supports.

Agency departments are serving the highest numbers to date. Early Intervention has received 141 new referrals this year. The Discovery Center Preschool is currently serving 179 children and there has been an increased need for speech therapy services, with 96 children receiving speech services.

The SSA department is currently serving 356 individuals, with 61 new referrals received in 2023.

In other agency updates, a new employee will be hired to fill the role of executive assistant. Ashley Shefbuch comes to LCBDD Oct. 24 with 21 years of experience in the DD field.

The Community Recreation and Special Olympics Coordinators are busy with advocacy events, flag football, softball and so much more.

There is a new club called the “Weekend Do It” vacation club. This club helps guide individuals through the vacation planning process. They will be traveling to Florida soon, staying near Universal Studios. Part of this program aids people with differing levels of ability to have an inclusive time at Universal.

The preparation and time at the park is going to be placed on their new YouTube channel so other individuals can learn how to help themselves have a great time when they go away on vacation.

Finally, LCBDD expressed their thanks to everyone who came out and supported their annual Chicken BBQ Oct. 5.

“It was another successful BBQ, with profits to benefit a great cause with the Logan County Foundation and support families in our community,” officials said. “In particular, LCBDD would like to thank all of the volunteers that make the event a success and all of our sponsors.”

Board meetings are typically conducted the first Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at 1973 St. Rt. 47 West, Bellefontaine. The next meeting of the board is Nov. 2.