Centenarian honored with U.S. flag at birthday celebration


Nelson Barnes, center, receives a U.S. flag that flew above the Logan County Courthouse during August from Logan County Commissioners Mike Yoder, left, and Joe Antram during his 100th birthday party. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

Family and friends gathered at the Indian Lake Church of the Nazarene Saturday afternoon, Sept. 16, to celebrate the 100th birthday of a community servant and dedicated businessman who continues to impart his knowledge and kindness to residents and visitors of Indian Lake

The honored guest, Nelson Barnes, received a special birthday gift during his party from Logan County Commissioners Joe Antram and Mike Yoder.

The commissioners presented Mr. Barnes with the American flag that flew above the Logan County Courthouse during the month of August, as part of their ongoing efforts to recognize distinguished county citizens.

Born and raised in Logan County, Mr. Barnes began his entrepreneurial career as a 6-year-old delivering Bellefontaine Examiner newspapers on his bike.

With family support and investment, he acquired the one-room school house and waterfront lot where he had begun his education. The building was converted into a bait shop and boat supply and rental business that became Barnes Landing.

Although he was first employed as a lifeguard at the nearby Avondale pool, he was soon working at the Landing.

To this day, Mr. Barnes is still consulted on boat repair and dock rentals. He related that it feels like he’s never worked a day in his life because he has always loved his interactions with the people around the lake.

Furthermore, he attributes his longevity and mental sharpness to working outside in the fresh air near the water every day of his life.

His granddaughter Kathy Baker described her grandfather as an amazing and Godly man.

“I thank God that I’m allowed to be a part of his family,” she said