Shroyer’s market lamb auctioned at Ohio State Fair Sale of Champions

Logan County resident Ava Shroyer is pictured during Sunday’s Ohio State Fair Sale of Champions with her Grand Champion Market Lamb and her buyers. (OHIO STATE FAIR PHOTO)
Logan County resident Ava Shroyer is pictured during Sunday’s Ohio State Fair Sale of Champions with her Grand Champion Market Lamb and her buyers. (OHIO STATE FAIR PHOTO)

COLUMBUS — Enthusiasm for Ohio youths and agriculture during the 2024 Ohio State Fair Sale of Champions livestock auction. Caps were met and exceeded at the Sale on Sunday, Aug. 4, in the WCOL Celeste Center, with a grand total in sales of $260,500.

More than $134,000 will fund the Virgil L. Strickler Youth Reserve Program to continue supporting Ohio youth in agriculture and beyond.

 “I’m so impressed by the junior fair livestock exhibitors for a tremendous display here at the Ohio State Fair of their work throughout the year,” said Ohio Expo Center & State Fairgrounds Executive Director Adam Heffron. “The fair and especially this sale would not be possible without the generous support of all the dedicated buyers.”

Ava Shroyer of Logan County participated in the Sale of Champions with her Grand Champion Market Lamb. It was purchased for $13,000 by The Kroger Company, Ohio Harness Horseman’s Association, and Ohio Farm Bureau Federation. 

In addition, the Reserve Grand Champion Market Beef was exhibited by Essie McGuire of Champaign County, and was purchased for $22,000 by OKI, Inc., Schmidt’s Sausage Haus, NetSteady, SP+, Expo Services and the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. 

Fellow Champaign County resident Kole Bishop exhibited the Reserve Grand Champion Market Barrow. It was purchased for $35,000 by The Kroger Company, Bob Evans Farms and the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation. 

The Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat was exhibited by Auglaize County resident Braxton Method. It was purchased by OKI, Inc, Schmidt’s Sausage Haus, NetSteady, Expo Services, Ohio Quarter Horse Association for $7,000.

The Grand Champion Swiss Cheese wasproduced by Pearl Valley Cheese, representing the seven dairy champions and two supreme dairy showmen. It was purchased by Purchased by A.G. Boogher & Sons, Inc. and American Dairy Association Mideast for $32,500

The exhibitors representing the Grand Champion Swiss Cheese were: Grand Champion Ayrshire: Audry Sidle, Wayne County; Grand Champion Brown Swiss: Aubree Topp, Shelby County; Grand Champion Guernsey: Savannah Thomas, Champaign County; Grand Champion Holstein: Colton Thomas, Champaign County; Grand Champion Jersey: Lily Elsass, Auglaize County; Grand Champion Milking Shorthorn: Aubree Topp, Shelby County; and Grand Champion Red and White: Allison Francis, Darke County. 

Supreme Showman awards were presented to: Lily Elsass, Auglaize County, for week one; and Carissa Pittman, Wayne County, for week two. 

Several new buyers participated in the sale this year, including Springer Mountain Farms, Farmer Boys, Sarka Electric, Dangler Excavating, LLC, and the Ohio Quarter Horse Association.

While the junior fair exhibitors take great pride in raising quality animals throughout the year, the ultimate goal each year is to be selected as the grand champion. Grand and reserve champion are both immense honors for young exhibitors; and with the Virgil L. Strickler Youth Reserve Program and generous buyers, it is rewarding for the entire junior fair program as a whole.

Established in 1995, the Youth Reserve Program was developed to reward junior exhibitors participating in the Ohio State Fair. 

In 2023, the program was renamed the Virgil L. Strickler Youth Reserve Program in honor of retiring Ohio State Fair General Manager Virgil Strickler, who was instrumental in the creation and implementation of the program. Strickler, who was general manager for 20 years, retired following the 2023 Ohio State Fair.

This year, $134,500 from the Sale will go to the program.

Funds for the program are made up of the dollars received over the caps that are placed on the amount exhibitors can receive from the Sale of Champions. The funds from the program are distributed among more than 20 scholarships, outstanding market exhibitor program, outstanding breeding exhibitor program, showmanship contests, skillathons, and many other 4-H and FFA activities. 

Prior to this year’s sale, the Youth Reserve Program had collected $5,112,650: since its inception, supporting more than 45,400 youth.