Agricultural, Natural Resources Educator position returning to Logan County 


The OSU Extension Office in Logan County and the Logan County Solid Waste Management District currently share a facility at 1100 S. Detroit St., Bellefontaine, and their close proximity has led to a unique collaboration on a new employment position that has not been local to Logan County since 2006. 

Job applications are currently being accepted through Oct. 28 for an Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, an opportunity that is very exciting for both the OSU Extension Office and the Logan County SWMD, who are pulling their resources to make this a full-time, salaried position for this new individual. 

“We have clientele coming into our office almost daily with those types of agriculture-related questions, from questions about livestock to crops and plant and tree diseases, or even insects that they’re dealing with,” said Jess Barker, OSU Extension Office in Logan County office associate. 

“Since OSU is a research-based institution, we can’t just guess on an answer or try to look it up ourselves. We often have to refer them out of the county.

“Now with us being able to offer this in-house, it’s pretty exciting that they’ll be able to get what they need right here in our own county. Then our residents can re-invest those skills and knowledge they gain back into our community.”

Barker said the last time that Logan County had an active Agricultural and Natural Resources Educator was in January of 2006. 

Prior to that time, the program had a long history in Logan County, dating back to 1921, when the first-ever Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent was held by H. P. Curtis.

“The primary role of the extension educator is to provide agriculture and natural resources stakeholders with research-backed information will better their livelihoods,” the position description from OSU reads. 

In addition to this role, the new employee also will be tasked with providing outreach and education to the community on behalf of the Logan County SWMD. 

Todd Bumgardner, Logan County SWMD’s new director, said this collaboration between the two agencies in the county was a natural fit. 

“This type of position has not existed in Ohio before, but we’re excited to make it happen,” he said. “It’s a great way that we can keep Logan County strong and fulfilled. While the individual will be a university employee, the Solid Waste Management District will pay a part of their salary.”

Previously a 16-year employee of the Logan County Engineer’s Office, Bumgardner said it was in that role that the idea of agencies partnering up and working together was strongly encouraged through the county engineer’s shared services agreement. The engineer’s office offered its services to the townships, villages and other county agencies, including a project to pour a concrete slab at a reasonable rate for the Logan County Sheriff’s Office when they installed a dog kennel there. 

One interesting educational opportunity that Bumgardner envisions for the new educator is regarding food waste and composting. 

“We have composting bins outside of our office, and it’s a a great way to put nutrients back into the soil. We’d like to greatly expand this program in the county,” he said. 

“I can see this as a further educational opportunity at our schools for this educator, along with sharing about the many benefits of composting and recycling with our community.”

Among the Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator’s job duties will include:

• Plan and deliver educational programming, both formal and informal; 

• Being a trusted source for information related to agriculture and natural resources;

• Build and maintain relationships with local and state clientele and leaders;

• Work with state-level Extension professionals to make resources and research available to members of the community; and

• Identify community needs and providing information or programming to address them. 

Individuals can apply for this new position online by visiting and search for job R115951 to view the complete description and to apply.