Indian Lake Schools: Donation accepted from Nashville Hitmakers concert 

Vicky Boots and Sharon DeVault from the Indian Lake Watershed Project present Superintendent Dr. Rob Underwood with a donation to the Indian Lake Music Department from the annual Nashville Hitmakers Concert. (Indian Lake SCHOOLS PHOTO) 

Indian Lake Board of Education members accepted donations, recognized retirements and looked to the district’s financial future during their regular meeting Wednesday, Jan. 22. 

To start the meeting, Vicky Boots and Sharon DeVault from the Indian Lake Watershed Project presented Superintendent Dr. Rob Underwood with a $5,000 donation to the Indian Lake Music Department from the annual Nashville Hitmakers Concert. 

The country music event has been successful over the past 13 summers. However, with the recent death of event coordinator Sandy Helgeson, there is some question as to whether it will continue. 

Dr. Underwood thanked them for their many years of support. 

Other donations accepted during the meeting included $87,384.90 from the Indian Lake Moose gaming proceeds to the Athletic and Academic Programs, and $3,950 from the Mary Rutan Foundation Grant to the elementary school for the Hooked on Fishing not Drugs program. 

Indian Lake Director of Special Education Services Krystal Loy submitted her annual Special Education and Title One report. Of the district’s 1,328 students, 341 (or more than 25 percent) of them are served by her staff with either an IEP or 504 education plan. 

Board members also accepted the upcoming retirement of long-time ILES teacher Kris Crockett. She will finish her career in May with nearly 34 years of service to the district. 

In other personnel matters, the board extended supplemental contracts for 2024-25 to Isabel Brunson, assistant high school girls wrestling, effective Dec. 20; and Chayce Hickman, assistant high school boys baseball. 

Finally, board members went into executive session to interview candidates to replace retiring District Treasurer Coleen Reprogle. The hope is to hire a qualified treasurer to work with Mrs. Reprogle for a few months before she ends her tenure this summer. 

The next meeting is 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 19, in the board office.