Trio of Logan County officials elected to statewide offices 


Three Logan County officials have recently been elected to state posts for the upcoming year, which marks a milestone for the county to have three officials serving in this capacity.   


Logan County Recorder Pat Myers was recently elected as the 2025 State Secretary of the Ohio Recorders Association. 

The ORA is a cornerstone organization dedicated to serving Ohioans and its membership consists of recorders from all eighty-eight counties. 

Myers has held the position of Logan County recorder since 2013. County recorders maintain a comprehensive, precise, and permanent record of all documents related to the transfer and encumbrance of land within the county. 


Logan County Engineer Scott Coleman has been elected the 2025 State President of the County Engineers Association of Ohio at the group’s winter conference. The consortium works to unify its members in providing the highest quality transportation, drainage, surveying and land record keeping services. 

From the safe and efficient movement of people, goods and services to continuing land development needs, CEAO strives to construct solutions for many challenges to Ohio’s local infrastructure. Coleman has held the position of Logan County engineer since 2002.


Logan County Commissioner Joe Antram was elected State Secretary of the County Commissioners Association of Ohio at their 144th Annual Winter Conference last week in Columbus. 

The CCAO advances effective county government for Ohio through legislative advocacy, education and training, technical assistance and research, quality enterprise service programs, and greater citizen awareness and understanding of county government.

Antram has been a member of the CCAO State Board of Directors for three years and has served as Logan County Commissioner since 2017.