A Russells Point husband and wife pair will make their debut this weekend on TLC’s new show, “Forbidden Love,” featuring couples navigating the challenges of their cultural and religious differences.
Elmer and Lindsey Miller are one of the four couples on the new series, which airs at 10 p.m. Eastern Time on Sunday, July 21.
“We are really excited. It’s so surreal, seeing the previews for the show and knowing that it’s coming up so soon,” Elmer said.
He noted that there were 20 some couples interviewed for “Forbidden Love” and he and Lindsey were thrilled to make the cut.
Elmer grew up in Kenton in the Amish community, part of a family with 15 children, he said. The now 24-year-old said he left the Amish with $75 and the clothes on his back to start a new life.
“Growing up Amish, it’s kind of like living in the 1800s,” Elmer said in a video preview for the show on TLC’s website, www.tlc.com.
“Living with an Amish man, you have to teach them everything,” Lindsey states in the same video.
Now a few years later, he and Lindsey are parents to daughter, Layla June, who just celebrated her first birthday with a ladybug themed party.
With an entrepreneurial and hard-working spirit, Elmer launched his own roofing company, Liberty Roofing LLC, also based in Russells Point.
Being a successful business owner at such a young age likely helped him get noticed by TLC, along with his 200,000 followers on TikTok not hurting his cause either, the Russells Point resident related.
He likes to relay encouraging advice to his social media followers.
“God put you on earth for a purpose. It’s your duty in this life to fulfill that purpose,” Elmer posted recently via his Facebook page.
The Millers are hopeful to be picked for a second season or a spinoff show of “Forbidden Love.”
Elmer encouraged area residents to tune into the show to find out more details about his background and enjoy watching life’s ups and downs through these differing perspectives.