Chicken barbecue serves up profit for LCBDD’s Foundation

Pumpkins were decorated by students at the Discovery Center, utilizing funds donated by the The Indian Lake Eagles 3615. (LCBDD PHOTO) 

Logan County Board of Developmental Disabilities members were updated at their Nov. 7 meeting about the success of the annual chicken barbecue during October and were provided with details on the 2023 annual report. 

All of the chicken barbecue meals were sold, generating a profit of nearly $7,000 for the LCBDD Foundation, which helps individuals and families purchase items that are related to their disability, but are not covered by other funding sources. 

Superintendent Krista Oldiges shared the 2023 Annual Report. One of the highlights last year was receiving a three-year accreditation, which is the highest the agency can receive. 

The board served more than 600 families last year, including 153 students on IEPs and 87 peer mentors at The Discovery Center. 

Also during October, the board hosted a Free Sensory Friendly Movie for National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Ms. In addition, Oldiges and Ms. Sulich participated in the Protect and Play Community Day at Fox Island, with a table showcasing some of the available safety items for kids, including items such as ID bracelets and GPS tracking systems. This event was coordinated by the Family and Children First Council. 

The Indian Lake Eagles 3615 has notified the LCBDD Foundation that they will be donating some of the gambling profits to the foundation. 

The Eagles also has donated other funding, which was used to purchase pumpkins for the students at the Discovery Center to decorate, as well as funds toward shaving cream that will be used for the shaving cream skating later this winter. 

The Early Intervention Department received several positive comments on a recent Family Questionnaire. One parent noted that “This program has been a godsend for me, not just in the guidance for my child, but also in the support I have received as a mom. 

“I have met several other moms with kids in the program, and they have all talked about how much this program helps them and their children. It’s an incredible valuable resource, and the people that work in it are angels.” 

Business Director Jennifer Frail reviewing the financials for September 2024, noting that most of the funding from the ESC Early Childhood Education Grant for 2023-2024 has been received. The board also recently had an audit completed by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce with no concerns reported. 

Human Resources Director Staci Nichols updated the board on job openings. Currently there are two openings for preschool instructors and one opening for a speech assistant. 

Approximately 59 percent of staff participated in the United Way of Logan County campaign, donating almost $4,000. 

The next blood drive at the board office, 1851 W. State Route 47, Bellefontaine, is slated for Dec. 12. 

Board meetings are typically conducted the first Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at 1973 W. State Route 47, Bellefontaine. The next meeting of the board is 5:30 p.m. Dec. 5. For further information on services, contact (937) 592-0015.