Christmas Eve services


• Belle Center United Presbyterian Church — Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m., followed by worship at 10:30 a.m.; candlelight service set for 7 p.m., Pastor Ted Dennis’ sermon title: “Let it Be with Me According to Your Word.” scripture: II Samuel 7:1-11 and Luke 1:26-38.

• The Cornerstone Church at Huntsville — The congregation celebrates the morning worship service with the youth ministry’s presentation of “Christmas Live,” an interactive living nativity; the congregation returns at 11 p.m. Sunday night for their Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.

• First Christian Church — Fourth Sunday of Advent (LOVE), the Rev. Kevin Greenwald, speaking, “Zechariah’s Song”; scripture: Luke 1:5-13 (14-25), 57-80; Café Grace Praise & Worship begins at 9:10 a.m. in Bethany Hall, Teri Stevens serves as the host; Sunday School begins at 10 a.m., followed by sanctuary worship at 10:45 a.m. Beth Ramsey serves as the worship leader; Lessons and Carols Candlelight Christmas Eve Service takes place at 7 p.m.

• First Lutheran Church — Fellowship time at 9 a.m., communion worship service at 10 a.m.; Lessons and Carols Candlelight Communion Service at 7 p.m.; Candlelight Communion Worship Service at 10:30 p.m.

• First United Presbyterian Church — There will be no Sunday School or morning worship service; Christmas Eve Candlelight Service begins at 7 p.m.; everyone is welcome.

• Gretna Brethren Church — Worship gathering service begins at 10 a.m.,Pastor Rob Starnes will bring the message of “Joy. The people we see at Jesus’s arrival point us to his essential nature. The wise men say, with great JOY. Here is your King!” Scripture reference: Matthew 2:1-18. Talent offering: trio of Rosilynn Miller, Alonna Watkins and Shirley T. McPherson; children’s worship leader: Heather Starnes; Sunday school at 9 a.m.; Christmas Eve Candlelight service at 7 p.m.

• Hopewell Church— “A NOT so Silent Night” Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 7 p.m., at 3746 N. US 68, Bellefontaine.

• Huntsville Presbyterian Church — 10 a.m. service celebrating the fourth Sunday of Advent (Love); Pastor Ben Beres’s sermon “You Win” is based on Luke 2:8-20;Phil Forsythe is the lay reader, Aryn Forsythe will be the organist; Candlelight Christmas Eve service is at 7 p.m.

• Rushsylvania United Methodist Church — Pastor April Phillips’ message on this Christmas Eve Sunday is “Love that Transforms Us” and the scripture is Luke 2:1-7. All are welcome to join us at 9:30 a.m. or on Facebook.

• Seventh-day Adventist Church — Saturday, Dec. 23, Elder Allan’s message is “Not So Silent Night”; music is provided by Sandra, Devin and Marge Fryling.

• Zanesfield United Methodist Church — Pastor April Phillips delivers the sermon “Love That Transforms Us”; scripture readings: Luke 1:26-38, Luke 2:1-7; service is available online through Facebook; all are welcome.