RISE Program opportunities spotlighted by Board of DD


RTC employees Kylee Purtee and Brett Castle detailed the RISE Program — which stands for Recreation Independence Skills Exploration — at the Logan County Board of Developmental Disabilities’ June meeting.

RISE is for individuals age 14-25, who are eligible for services through LCBDD. Services vary depending on whether the individual is still in high school or has graduated.

For those teens still in high school, there are many recreational activities, life skills classes, career exploration and social skills, Purtee and Castle explained.

For those who have graduated, these activities are still available, along with volunteer opportunities and additional supports that will help move individuals toward the most independent life possible.

Life skills classes incorporate topics such as budgeting, shopping wisely, cooking, cleaning, voting, healthy relationships, hygiene, navigating the community and pre-driver’s ed.

Through career exploration and volunteer opportunities, individuals have opportunities to explore their career interests through job shadowing, conversations and on-site tours. There are a number of community outings and events to assist individuals with social skills.

The LCBDD assists with funding this program for RTC and the individuals served.

In other news, Superintendent Krista Oldiges reported that the board will be utilizing the funding for handicap-accessible playground equipment to assist Lions Park in West Liberty with purchasing some new accessible equipment.

The Discovery Center celebrated their last day of school May 25. The Bellefontaine Fire Department entertained the children with their water hoses, despite the chilly day, as recently pictured in the Examiner. There were many other fun activities and good-bye hugs.

For those interested in enrolling their child, ages 3-5, in the Discovery Center for the 2023-24 school year, contact the center directly at (937) 592-2009 for more information.

In operations, there are several HVAC projects in the works at both Discovery Center and the board office. In addition, ceiling painting is planned for the Discovery Center gym over the summer.

Members renewed several contracts during the meeting. LCBDD works collaboratively with the Midwest Regional Educational Service Center to provide many services, such as speech therapy, substitute teachers, instructor assistants and resident educator services.
An interagency agreement between LCBDD, Logan County Job & Family Services and Logan County Family & Children First Council regarding the collaboration for early intervention services and grants also was renewed.

During the last month, the community survey was disseminated to community partners, providers, families and individuals served regarding the services provided by the LCBDD and the Discovery Center.

Survey results have been overwhelmingly positive, officials said, noting that the survey will allow LCBDD to continue to make positive improvements and continue providing the best quality of services to all people served

Board meetings are typically conducted the first Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at 1973 W. State Route 47, Bellefontaine. There is no meeting in July. The next meeting is Aug. 3.