‘Examiner’ Forum: Remembering Patrick Henry


“Give me liberty, or give me death!” That was Patrick Henry’s hope two centuries ago for our new American form of government, a constitutional republic. Today, given what we’re seeing as Washington’s priorities, many of us have sadly resigned ourselves to the belief that we will probably see death before we see liberty.
If there’s one thing that the American citizenry needs to be reminded of, it’s that “We the People” in the states deliberately joined together to create the federal government in the first place. Washington, D.C., did not exist until it was created by our Constitution, by the independent sovereign states.
The Founders expected us to be ever-vigilant, to ensure that, in exchange for its existence, our federal government never strayed outside the enumerated powers enshrined in that Constitution.

To assist us in meeting that tremendous responsibility, they drafted Article V, empowering state legislators to join together and instruct Congress to call a Convention of States to propose amendments to the Constitution, if and when the need became obvious.
One such amendment, if proposed at Convention and then later ratified by the state legislatures, could impose maximum term limits on all federal officials and forever change the incessant insanity that is Washington, D.C., no matter which party is at the helm.
In their wisdom, the Founders wisely anticipated the day when the federal government would fail or refuse to respond to the demands of the states. They left us Article V to repair the defects in government perceived by We the Governed. They placed their trust in us… their confidence…
their faith. To do anything less is to dishonor their legacy.
Inform yourself at www.conventionofstates.com and join the movement. Then call your elected state representatives and urge their support for an Article V Convention of States.

Had Enough Yet?

For Liberty,

Brenda Mitchell


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