‘Examiner’ Forum: Renewable energy protects birds from climate change  


A recent article ran in the Bellefontaine Examiner on Grange Solar, a proposed solar project in Logan County that would generate 500MW of power. The article included mention of concerns over bird migration and stated National Audubon Society’s support for solar energy.

At Audubon, we understand the importance of acting swiftly to protect birds, other wildlife and communities. The climate crisis facing birds is urgent. Two-thirds of North American bird species are at-risk of climate change. We still have time to reduce the carbon pollution that is driving climate change to avoid the worst fates for birds and our communities. But we need to act quickly to implement the solutions that are right in front of us.

Expanding responsible renewable energy, including solar, offers a lifeline to Ohio’s birds and other wildlife. Audubon’s work has demonstrated that we can advance renewable energy while protecting bird habitat at the same time by ensuring that projects are built in areas that avoid and minimize impacts to birds and their habitat. While there’s no such thing as impact free energy, we must not lose sight of the bigger picture: the urgent need to address climate change. 

Collaboration with wildlife experts will help ensure these projects achieve their full potential while preserving the natural world we all cherish. The Grange Solar Project has demonstrated a willingness to engage in proactive consultation with conservation stakeholders, like Audubon, to identify and address potential bird and wildlife impacts. 

Transitioning to solar is a boon for our communities too. Projects underway in Ohio could add nearly 10000 MW of power to power our homes and businesses, helping to generate thousands of jobs and millions in local tax revenue. Ohioans across political affiliations recognize these important benefits and overwhelmingly support solar development.

Responsible renewable energy, like solar, is an opportunity to protect birds, other wildlife and our shared future. 

Marnie Urso

Audubon Great Lakes senior policy director

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