Couple charged with domestic violence


Both individuals involved in a reported domestic violence incident were charged with domestic violence Wednesday, Jan. 29, following multiple 911 calls that were disconnected.

Scott Papay, 48, and Malina Papay, 38, both of Bellefontaine, were each charged with domestic violence after an investigation into a dispute at their home.

Officers of the Bellefontaine Police Department were dispatched around 10:25 p.m. after receiving separate 911 calls from both Scott and Malina that were quickly disconnected.

Dispatchers contacted Scott and he initially stated that the call was accidental and that everything was fine. Malina then got on the phone and acknowledged an argument had taken place but assured dispatchers there were no issues.

Upon arrival, officers spoke with Scott, who claimed that Malina had left for the night to stay with her daughter. Officers contacted Malina, who confirmed she had left but said an argument had started over financial stress. Malina also reported that Scott had been drinking and became upset when she updated her payment information at her gym.

Malina reported that the argument escalated while their 8-year-old daughter was sleeping in the same room. She stated that she attempted to leave with their daughter, but Scott refused and a physical altercation ensued. Scott reportedly pushed Malina to the floor. Malina reportedly sustained injuries to her hand as a result.

Officers questioned Scott, who admitted to drinking earlier in the evening and confirmed that the argument was about financial issues. He claimed Malina “blew up” and became aggressive when he refused to let her take their daughter. Scott alleged that Malina scratched and hit him during the altercation. Officers observed a red mark on his temple and scratches on his chest.

Both defendants were issued a summons for domestic violence.