City’s 2023 street resurfacing program begins


City of Bellefontaine officials announce that the Shelly Company will be in Bellefontaine this week making preparations for the city’s annual street resurfacing program.

Wednesday, Aug. 2, they started by posting areas with “No Parking” signs , and will begin milling by the end of the week.

Residents are asked to be mindful of the temporary no parking areas and keep vehicles off of the street during the posted hours so that work can move forward safely and efficiently. Vehicles that are not moved are subject to towing at owners’ expense.

Altogether, the city will spend nearly $700,000 on street resurfacing this year. Funding for the program comes from the city’s general fund as well as gas tax money received by the city.

All or parts of the following streets are currently planned for paving this year:
1. Bonnie Lane;

2. Campbell Drive;

3. Carlisle Street;

4. Center Street;

5. Charles Street;

6. East Chillicothe Avenue from Madriver to Stanley Street;

7. West Chillicothe Avenue from Seymour to Eaton Street;

8. South Detroit Street from Clarkson to Lake Avenue;

9. Hayes Street from Columbus to Sandusky Avenue;

10. West High Avenue from Main to Detroit Street;

11. Ingalls Avenue from Main to Detroit Street;

12. Iron Avenue from Main to Carlisle Street;

13. Kennedy Street from Williams around to Elm Street;

14. North Drive;

15. Palmer Road from Madriver to Park Street;

16. Stanley Street from Sandusky to Columbus Avenue;

17. Troy Road from Columbus Avenue to the viaduct; and

18. West Street from Garfield to Williams Avenue.

State Route 540 from the U.S. Route 33 overpass to the eastern corporation line will also be resurfaced this year under an Ohio Department of Transportation contract.

Scheduling is subject to change based on weather and other factors.