Longtime public servant passes away at 91


A longtime public servant with over three decades of service to the village of Belle Center passed away on Christmas Eve, leaving behind a legacy of dedication to his community, faith, and family.

Gerald Houchin, 91, of Belle Center, passed away Dec. 24. Known for his tireless contributions to the village, Houchin’s public service career began on the Belle Center Village Council, where he served from 1964 to 1968. He was then elected mayor, leading the community for 16 years from 1968 to 1984. Later, he returned to public office as a council member from 2003 to 2005 and served as the Village Administrator from 2005 to 2019.

“Belle Center has produced its fair share of great people and heroes over the years, but this man was one of the best,” current Belle Center Mayor and Houchin’s nephew, Lance Houchin said. “He had been a community leader for several decades, and to some, he still will be.”

Beyond his official roles, Houchin played an instrumental part in local education, serving as a school board member and helping to oversee the construction of the district’s new school. His commitment to youth extended to his time as a Boy Scout leader in the late 1950s and as a mentor for countless young people in the community over the past 65 years.

Houchin’s deep faith guided much of his life. A lifelong member of the Belle Center Church of Christ, he taught Sunday School for many years and served as an Elder.

Mayor Lance Houchin noted his uncle’s influence in all aspects of village life, saying, “His involvement with The American Legion, church, being the mayor of our little village for 16 years—not to mention running our water department and mowing the parks for the township—is just a few things he had done here. And this was all after his term in the Army, serving in Korea.”

Born and raised in Belle Center, Gerald Houchin graduated from Belle Center High School in 1951. He was a U.S. Army veteran who served during the Korean War, retiring as Command Sergeant Major of the 73rd Brigade after 20 years of service.

“He mentored kids for the last 65 or so years and I still talk to folks that remember him for helping them and giving advice,” Lance Houchin said. “His knowledge of our street and water infrastructure was invaluable to the guys that had worked in those departments for years.

“He shared memories of growing up in Belle Center with me,” Lance continued. “Good times and not so good times. When he would tell us childhood stories it seemed like we had been right there with him. He would talk to me for hours about growing up.”

Professionally, Houchin wore many hats, working with the railroad, D.A.B., and as a custodian for Belle Center Schools, now Benjamin Logan Local Schools. He retired as the Water Superintendent for the Belle Center Water Department but continued working as water manager for Lake Ridge Resort and Easton Water. He also maintained the Memorial Building and parks for Richland Township.

Gerald Houchin’s commitment to his family, faith, and community left a lasting impression on those who knew him.

“This is difficult for me to think of all these great things about him, but I think the best thing I can recall is being able to call him Uncle,” his nephew said.

Houchin was a lifetime member of the Willard Stout American Legion Post #266 and the Belle Center Lodge #347, F. & A.M. His remarkable contributions to Belle Center and the surrounding community will be remembered for generations.

Read his entire obituary in Tuesday’s Examiner.