BCS Board reviews improved five-year forecast, salutes substitutes

Krista Adelsberger, standing, speaks about the substitute staff members. (BCS PHOTO)

Bellefontaine City Schools’ Treasurer Josh Wasson presented the district’s five-year forecast to the board of education during their Monday evening meeting, Nov. 11, for the bi-annual update. 

The district’s five-year forecast is $2.5 million more favorable compared to the same projections six months ago. 

Additionally, the forecast has drastically improved in the last 18 months. In May of 2023, Wasson was projecting nearly $1.8 million in deficit spending. School officials have put cost-savings measures into place and lowered the deficit spending.

“We’re in a good position at this point moving forward,” Wasson said. “The forecast is better than what it was in May. We’re really trying to be good stewards of the taxpayers’ money. We’ve looked at all of our programs and run the district as efficiently as we can.”

Also during the meeting, Administrator Krista Adelsberger spotlighted the many substitute staff members and detailed the vital contributions they make each day at BCS, ahead of National Substitute Educators Day Nov. 22.

Substitute teachers Roz Brown, Allen Hadley, Beth Overs, Polly Rodenhausen and Mary Smith attended the board meeting. The district has about 60 substitute teachers.

Teacher Henry Stolly spoke to the board about the American Exchange Project. The program offers high school seniors a chance to explore another American town for a week shortly after graduation.

The goal is for the students to visit a community that is vastly different from their own.

Participants then welcome visiting students into their communities for the same experience. The program is conducted during June and July.

Currently, four BHS seniors are expected to travel and host in 2025. The program offers free travel along with free room and board. Learn more at https://www.americanexchangeproject.org/.

In other action, the board: 

• approved a salary adjustment for additional training: master’s plus 30 — Jordan Kesler;

• named Paula Shaw the multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) coordinator at the high school.

• hired Katelyne Ackley, Megan Cira and Cody Sigrist as home/school tutors for the 2024-25 school year;

• accepted the following resignations: Tiara Blevins, educational aide, effective Dec. 3; and Michelle Corwin, bus driver, effective Oct. 15;

• accepted the supplemental contract resignation of Brad Brown, assistant middle school girls basketball; 

• approved the indoor track program to be coached by Ben Davis and Cody Sigrist; and 

• recognized November Seniors of the Month Hunter Kerns and Reagan Standley; they each received an achievement pin and a $15 gift card to Ron’s Pizza.

The next meeting is 6:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 9, in the Distance Learning Center at BHS. The board also will meet in special session to discuss district goals at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 12, at the board office.