Former FFA teacher pleads guilty to sex offense


A former Ohio Hi-Point and Indian Lake FFA instructor has admitted to a sex-related offense, and is due to be labeled a sexual offender.

Tanner Schoen, 30, of East Liberty, pleaded guilty Thursday in Logan County Common Pleas Court to three counts of sexual battery, third-degree felonies.

Schoen was indicted last July by a Logan County grand jury on 11 total counts involving sexual battery and rape.

The offenses began in August, 2020. Schoen had been the FFA adviser for Indian Lake and Ohio Hi-Point Career Center since 2017. His conduct reportedly continued through May of last year.

The investigation began when school officials contacted the Logan County Sheriff’s Office in June regarding an inappropriate relationship between Schoen and a student.

Each count carries a maximum of five years in prison. He will also be labeled a Tier III sexual offender when he is sentenced Feb. 21.