Woodland, pond management practices explored at Myeerah


Steve McGinnis, service forester, instructs the crowd in his classroom at the Woodland and Pond Management program presented at Myeerah Nature Preserve. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

More than 38 individuals from Central Ohio, including Logan County, recently enjoyed an in-depth look at Woodland and Pond Management practices during a program at Myeerah Nature Preserve.

This program was sponsored by the Logan County Land Trust, Logan Soil and Water Conservation District/NRCS, Logan County Farm Bureau and the Ohio Forestry Association.

Knowledgeable speakers from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the Ohio State University, the Ohio Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation and other experts presented subjects pertaining to invasive plant management in both ponds and woodlands, including how and why to improve woodlands for both human health and tree health.

They also detailed how to market your timber in a responsible manner and also vendors were available that complete practices for landowners such as tree planting, invasive species control and other silvicultural practices.

Attendees also gathered for a meal of homemade vegetable soup and apple cake.

To conclude the program, 100 American chestnuts were distributed to participants to plant on their properties.

Woodland and Pond Management program attendees partake of a meal of vegetable soup and apple cake. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)