Woman lodged for drug possession, identity fraud


Megan Craft, 30, of Lakeview, was charged with possession of drugs and identity fraud during a traffic stop Wednesday, Nov. 29.

Officers of the Washington Township Police Department on patrol on SR 235 near County Road 13 about 3:40 p.m. initiated a traffic stop on Jonathon Navarre, 36, of Lakeview, for an expired license. Craft was a passenger in the vehicle.

Upon making contact with the driver and passenger, officers said signs of drug use were observed. Craft also reportedly falsely identified herself by giving an incorrect social security number, name and date of birth, knowing that she currently had outstanding warrants.

The defendant was positively identified by officers due to previous encounters with her, and she was placed under arrest.

A consent search was conducted and 5.24g of methamphetamine reportedly was recovered from the vehicle, as well as various drug instruments.

Officers said Navarre began having a medical emergency, and Indian Lake EMS responded to the scene. Navarre was then transported by EMS to Mary Rutan Hospital for further evaluation.

Craft was transported to the Logan County Jail.

Charges for Navarre for drug possession were forwarded to the Logan County Prosecutor’s Office.

Deputies of the Logan County Sheriff’s Office also assisted at the scene.