West Liberty’s ice cream social tradition marks 25 years Saturday


Proceeds benefit Woodruff family’s medical expenses

A 25-year West Liberty tradition returns this weekend, joining the community together for homemade ice cream and other favorite summertime fare, all with the goal of raising funds and as a gesture of care for a local family undergoing a challenging medical journey.

The 25th annual West Liberty Ice Cream Social is slated for 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday, July 22. The event takes place behind the West Liberty United Methodist Church and West Liberty Church of Christ. All proceeds benefit the Scott and Alexandra Woodruff family.

The a la carte menu features chicken and noodles, hot shredded chicken, sloppy joe, hot dog and Coney dogs, potato salad, slaw, pasta salad, cucumbers and onions, apple salad, pie and featuring homemade ice cream.

Carry-outs and gallons of ice cream will be available. West Liberty area churches and the West Liberty Lions Club are sponsoring the event.

Scott and Alexandra Woodruff of West Liberty are pictured with their children, Lillian, 10, Harley, 7, and Calvin, 16 months. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

Musical entertainment will be provided by Bill Purk and Friends.

Scott and Alex are alumni of West Liberty-Salem High School and residents of West Liberty for the past nine years. The couple have three children, Lillian, 10, Harley, 7, and Calvin, 16 months.

Lori and Billy Wintersteller are Scott’s mom and stepfather, Scott’s dad and stepmom are Jeff and Barb Woodruff. Tracey and Vickie Smith “Smitty” are Alex’s parents.

The Woodruff’s son Calvin was diagnosed at 1-month-old with Bilateral Coloboma that has left him visually impaired with no depth perception, no side peripheral vision or upper field vision.

Currently, there is not cure for Coloboma, but Calvin and his family will be involved in a study in Washington, D.C., in 2024 to research for a possible cause of Coloboma.

“Calvin has an amazing team of specialists from Logan County Early Intervention, cardiology, genetics and ophthalmology at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus,” his parents said.

Their home needs safety modifications to help Calvin move more independently safely. Calvin will also need medical equipment such as a cane, new braces and glasses that can change every six months.

In addition to Calvin’s ongoing medical needs, Scott Woodruff was diagnosed with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) and had open heart surgery. The family found out about Scott’s diagnosis in February of 2016.

After having their second daughter, Harley, prematurely on May 17, 2016, Scott had open heart on July 1, 2016.

Scott’s HOCM is genetic, so all of the kids have a 50 percent chance of having this condition. All three children visit a cardiologist bi-annually for echocardiograms until age 12, and then will go annually.

“When Calvin was born, we started right away to the cardiologist and found he has two holes in his heart. The doctor is not wanting to do surgery at this time to see if they will close on their own,” the Woodruffs said.

Six months after Scott’s open heart surgery, he got a defibrillator put in as precaution in case his heart stopped. In the last year, Scott’s heart has stopped twice in the middle of the night.

“His device worked and saved his life,” the family said. “But since it’s been used, it’s taken his battery life down faster than we anticipated. He is looking to have surgery within the next year to replace the battery.”

The Woodruffs are grateful for their jobs and the flexibility to take care of their family, but it can definitely be a financial burden.

“Scott will be off work on leave to have a battery replaced, taking time to drive out of state for an appointment with Calvin and the numerous trips to Columbus for everyone. Gas money, home repairs, medical bills and equipment for Calvin are starting to add up,” organizers noted.

“The Woodruff family thanks everyone for this special event.”

If you are unable to attend and wish to help this family, make checks out to “West Liberty Ice Cream Social” and put “Woodruff family” in the memo line and send to: West Liberty United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 606, West Liberty, Ohio 43357.

If you have any questions, call Nancy Dowden at (937) 465-4219.