Deputies of the Logan County Sheriff’s Office responded about 8:10 a.m. Monday, Sept. 30, to a report of a man being pinned by a vehicle and trailer in 5400 block of County Road 10.

Thane Piatt, 32, of West Liberty, sustained a possible serious leg injury and was transported by squad to Mary Rutan Hospital and later to Grant Medical Center in Columbus.
Piatt, who works for the West Liberty-based GS Excavation and Hydroseeding Services, was loading a mini excavator onto a trailer being hauled by a pickup at a residence along C.R. 10. However, the pickup and trailer began to roll away down a hilly section of C.R. 10 and the truck-trailer jackknifed.
In the process of trying to catch and stop the truck-trailer, Thane’s leg became pinned between the trailer and side of the truck.
First responders used mechanical means to free Thane’s pinned leg.
Piatt’s younger brother, Cole Piatt, an off-duty trooper with the Ohio State Highway Patrol, said Thane was conscious and alert when he arrived on scene. Thane’s family members reported from MRH that Thane had “no broken bones, just lacerations.” However, because of the nature of the injury, Thane was transported to Grant for further medical treatment.
In the incident report about the scene, deputies said several contributing factors were at play in the accident, including the wet road, steep incline and a lack of securing the trailer with blocks in front of the wheels.
Deputies were assisted by emergency personnel from Perry Township, Tri-Valley, Macochee Joint Ambulance District and Bellefontaine.