Vet honoree’s 4 years in the military were ‘quite an adventure’


Dan Hewitt, seated, and his wife, Margie, were honored for Hewitt’s service in the US Air Force from 1966 to 1970. Standing, from left, are Logan County commissioners Mike Yoder, Joe Antram and Mark Robinson. (EXAMINER PHOTO | SHARYN KOPF)

For his service to his country over half a century ago and the continued service he performs for his community now, U.S. Air Force veteran Dan Hewitt received recognition from the Logan County Commissioners Thursday, June 29. This monthly honor comes by selection from the Logan County Veterans Office (LCVO).

Hewitt enlisted in March 1966 and started out working on B-52 bombers.

“They sent me to Columbus, Mississippi,” Hewitt told the commissioners. “I armed planes —bombs, rockets and missiles.”

He was also sent to places like Guam, Thailand and the Philippines. Once his tour of duty was completed in December 1969, Hewitt ended up at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, where he married Margie, before being discharged in April 1970.

Though Hewitt spent some time as a state trooper when he returned to the area, it’s his last eight years as a driver for LCVO that he truly appreciates. Maybe because, as the veterans office services director Shelley Kneece pointed out, “He’s not just a driver.”

Each month the county commissioners take the flag that has flown over the courthouse the previous month, then fold and display it according to military standards—two stars on top and four on the bottom. They give this to a veteran chosen by the LCVO.

“You’re getting to me today,” Kneece told Hewitt through tears. “Not only for your service but for your continued service to the community.”

During his time in the Air Force, Hewitt received several awards, including for good conduct, the outstanding unit award for valor, the Vietnam service medal with one bronze service star and the Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm.

U.S. Air Force veteran Dan Hewitt accepts the flag that flew over the Logan County courthouse through May 2023. The flag was presented by Logan County Commissioner Mike Yoder at a ceremony Thursday (EXAMINER PHOTO | SHARYN KOPF)