UPDATED: Two dead in U.S. Route 33 crash

(Photo credit: Logan County Ohio Police Supporters)

Edith Mollett, 48, of Grove City, and Harry Collins, 37, of Lakeview, were each pronounced dead at the scene of a three-vehicle crash that occurred shortly before 8 p.m. Sunday, June 11, along U.S. Route 33 near Township Road 99, deputies from the Logan County Sheriff’s Office report.

Mollett reportedly was westbound on U.S. 33 in a black Nissan Altima when she attempted to pass another vehicle and struck head-on an eastbound silver Honda Civic operated by Sarah Eagy, 32, of Lewistown. Collins was a passenger in the vehicle Eagy was driving.

Eagy was taken by Indian Lake EMS to Mary Rutan Hospital and was later transferred to Ohio State University Medical Center and is listed in stable condition.

Neither Mollett nor Collins were wearing seatbelts, deputies report.

Chris Schrecengost, 68 of Marion, was behind Eagy traveling eastbound and struck Eagy’s vehicle after being struck by the Mollett car. Schrecengost and his passenger, Theresa Schrecengost, 58, were uninjured in the crash.

Damage was heavy to each vehicle. Indian Lake EMS, Huntsville Fire and EMS, BMRT Squad, and the Multi-County Crash Team assisted deputies on the scene. Investigation is ongoing.

This is the first fatal crash in Logan County this year.

———— Prevous story ——————-

Two people died Sunday as a result of a three-vehicle crash that occurred shortly after 8 p.m. in the area of U.S. Route 33 near Township Road 95.

Deputies from the Logan County Sheriff’s Office are investigating the crash, which forced an extended closure of U.S. 33 between township roads 95 and 99. The roadway was still closed as of 10:30 p.m. Sunday evening.

Numerous other Indian Lake-area first responders and law enforcement assisted at the scene, including with closing the roadway.

This story will be updated as more details become available.