Theft of decorative pineapple investigated


Officers of the Bellefontaine Police Department are investigating the theft of a replica of one of the city’s signature logos adorning the exterior of a a downtown business.

Monday, Nov. 18, a decorative pineapple was reported stolen from the handrail of a business on west Chillicothe Avenue. The theft occurred the previous Friday evening and was captured on surveillance footage provided to law enforcement.

The footage showed a suspect unscrewing the pineapple from the railing while another individual acted as a lookout near the alley. After being briefly interrupted by a passing vehicle, the suspect unscrewed the pineapple the rest of the way, pocketed the decoration and left the scene.

Officers identified the juvenile suspect with the help of the footage and made contact with the individual, who admitted to taking the “pineapple acorn.” The suspect stated the item was at a friend’s house and arrangements were made for its return.

The property manager requested only the return of the decoration and does not wish to press charges. Once the pineapple is returned to the police department, it will be released back to the business.

At the time of the report, the pineapple decoration has not yet been returned.