Several tax levies to be decided by Logan County voters Tuesday


Five tax levies will be appearing on ballots scattered throughout Logan County on Election Day Tuesday, May 2. 

Two of the levies are requests for additional funding. The Village of DeGraff is asking voters to approve an additional 0.5 continuing income tax on top of the the 1 percent income tax that is already in place. Should the measure pass, monies raised by the levy will be earmarked for a new fire station, the purchase of new firefighting equipment and ongoing operations of the fire department. If approved, the income tax increase would go into effect January 1, 2024.

The Village of Huntsville is also asking for an additional five-year, 1.5 mill property tax levy for fire protection and Emergency Medical Services. The levy, if approved, is expected to collect an additional $13,500 per year for operations and maintenance the fire services and EMS. The tax would work out to an additional $52 per year for each $100,000 of appraised property value.

The final levies that will be on three Logan County ballots Tuesday are all renewals. 

Stokes Township Southwest Fire District is seeking a renewal of a five-year, 1.6 mill property tax for fire protection, which amounts to $35 in yearly taxes for each $100,000 of appraised property value and is expected to realize $1,100 per year.

Jefferson Township is asking for a five-year, 0.5 mill property tax renewal for funding of the Dr. Earl Sloan Library in Zanesfield. The levy raises approximately $38,000 per year. All monies realized by the levy go directly to the operation and upkeep of the Sloan Library, with the township merely acting as a conduit and performing the administrative functions related to getting the levy on the ballot.

According to the Logan County Board of Elections, there are 31,787 registered voters in Logan County. Forty-eight of those voters live in the upper northwest corner of Logan County in the Stokes West precinct, which falls within boundaries of the Waynesfield-Goshen Local School District. Those 48 Logan County voters get to weigh in Tuesday on a proposed renewal of a five-year, 4.9 mill property tax for the Waynesfield-Goshen LSD to be used permanent improvements. The renewal will collect over $200,000 for the district annually at a rate of $104 per $100,000 in property value.

Want to know what’s on all the Logan County tickets Tuesday? Visit the Logan County Board of Elections at, click on ‘Election Info’ and follow the prompts to see exact replicas of any ballot that will be issued to Local County voters Tuesday, broken down by precinct, as well as lists of candidates, polling locations, voter tools and much more.