Suspended driver jailed for snorting pills


Roger Huffman, 59, of Rushsylvania, was jailed on drug charges and for a non-compliance suspension following a 5:35 p.m. traffic stop, initiated Wednesday, Aug. 3, by officers of the Bellefontaine Police Department along east Columbus Avenue near Stanley Street.

Officers on patrol observed Huffman driving a blue and silver Cadillac on Stanley Street and were aware that he was not a valid driver. Upon making contact with Huffman, an open container of alcohol was observed on his lap. Huffman gave officers consent to search the vehicle, which turned up prescription narcotics for which the defendant did not have a valid prescription. A shortened straw and white residue used to snort the pain killers also was found in the vehicle.

Huffman admitted to using the straw to snort the pills and said he did so to deal with pain from a past surgery.

He was charged with a non-compliance suspension, possession of drugs and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was lodged in the Logan County Jail. The vehicle was towed from the scene.