Students, seniors bond over breakfast


In an effort to reach out to their community, students at Benjamin Logan High School hosted a pancake breakfast for area seniors, and 89 hungry men and women accepted the invitation.

The event, which took place Friday, Feb. 24, was sponsored by the National Honor Society (NHS), but several groups contributed to and helped throughout the morning.

For instance, media arts students designed the placemats while the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America provided homemade to-go treats.

Besides NHS members, Ag capstone students and others from several Career Tech organizations, like FFA, Business Professionals of America and Skills USA, stepped in to serve, making sure the attendees left full and feeling well-cared for.

Board of Education member Karen Dill, standing, talks with breakfast attendees Friday at the Benjamin Logan High School. (EXAMINER PHOTO | SHARYN KOPF)

While munching on flapjacks and sausage fresh from the grill, guests were entertained by the A Capella choir and jazz combo. And, according to guest Polly Endsley of West Liberty, everything was, in a word, “excellent.”

Kelly Gibson, NHS advisor, was delighted with how everything turned out. “I feel blessed to be a part of this opportunity and of a community that appreciates being connected,” she said. “Everyone was enriched … and, honestly, I can’t wait to do it again.”