‘Starry Night Over Indian Lake’ painter wins People’s Choice Award

Friday, Jan. 31, the Logan County Art League hosted their annual Not So Bad Art by Good People banquet and auction at Honey Birch Farm outside West Liberty. Contestants, family members and supporters gathered for a meal and a chance to bid on nine local works of art.
This year’s People’s Choice Award went to Brian Holder, left, with Indian Lake Outfitters. Last year’s winner, Doug Carlton, presented the award.

Holder’s piece, which he titled “Starry Night Over Indian Lake,” reflects the passion he and his wife, Brenda, have for the lake region.

See Tuesday’s print edition of the Examiner for a full recap of the auction and funds generated for the Art League.
Jayne Carlton, center, speaking on behalf of her husband, Doug, right, congratulates Brian Holder at the auction. (EXAMINER PHOTO | SHARYN KOPF)