Pictured, seated, from the left: Audriena Smith, first – accessories for teens; Samantha Altstaetter, first – Shopping Savvy (SWD beginner); Lila Adams, first – Designed by Me and second – sundresses and jumpers (SWD beginner); Lulu Poeppelman, first – Sew Fun (SWD); Elayna Hoover, junior first– You Can Quilt and terrific tops (SWD and overall beginner); Sarah White, second – Designed by Me; and standing, from the left: Keira Hudson, third – terrific tops; Audrey Warren, senior first – You Can Quilt and second – clothing for high school and college (SWD); Eelyah Ritter, second – terrific tops; Audra Harford, first – clothing for middle school (SWD, Skillathon intermediate, and overall intermediate); Valerie Knight, first – loungewear (SWD intermediate and SWD overall); Gillian Knight, first – clothing for high school and college (SWD and Skillathon advanced); Kaitlyn Adams, first – outerwear for anywhere and Look Great for Less (SWD, Skillathon advanced, and best overall total look); Carly Strayer, first – dress-up outfit (SWD, Skillathon advanced, and overall advanced winner); Charlotte Jackson, second – Sew Fun; Beatrice Warren, first – Embellish: A 4-H Guide to Wearable Art and sundresses and jumpers (SWD); Emily Adams, first – Ready, Set, Sew Active and second – Shopping Savvy (SWD and Skillathon intermediate). (EXAMINER PHOTO | SHARYN KOPF)
A group of young women showed off their style and sewing skills at the Logan County Junior Fair Style Revue on Tuesday, July 9.
Shelby Nicholl, The Ohio State University student intern at the Logan County extension office, was delighted by the number of people “who showed up to support our 4-H members.”
Sam Knight, who participated in various sewing projects while he was in 4-H in Logan County, was the master of ceremonies.
Winning everything from ribbons to Sew Well Done (SWD) certificates to overall achievement awards, the participants were rewarded in multiple ways for their hard work.
In addition, the first-place winners will be our Ohio State Fair delegates with second-place recipients serving as their alternates.