Riverside treasurer honored with state award for 3rd time


Pirate-themed playground coming to district this summer

Riverside Schools Treasurer Ronnie Fitchpatrick was honored with a state award for the third consecutive year at Tuesday evening’s board of education meeting, during which members also approved the purchase of new pirate-ship themed playground equipment to be installed this summer.

Joe Braden, Ohio Auditor of State’s West Regional liaison, presented the treasurer and the Riverside School District with the Auditor of State Award. He said the clean audit report means the school’s audit does not contain any findings for recovery, material citations, material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, uniform guidance or questioned costs.

Riverside Schools Treasurer Ronnie Fitchpatrick, right, is presented with the Auditor of State Award by Joe Braden, Ohio Auditor of State’s West Regional liaison, during the board of education meeting Tuesday night. (EXAMINER PHOTO | Mandy Loehr)

The entity’s management letter also contains no comments related to: ethics referrals, lack of timely report submission; bank reconciliation issues; findings for recovery less than $500; public meetings or other public records issues etc.

Fitchpatrick has worked for Riverside Schools since January of 2017.

Relating to the playground project, the board approved the purchase from Snider Recreation at a cost not to exceed $250,000. Dirt work and asphalt also will be needed to accompany the new equipment.

Superintendent Dr. Scott Mann said the current playground is nearing the end of its warranty and safety concerns are becoming present. The new playground will be handicapped accessible as well.

During the junior high and high school report, Principal Kelly Kauffman reported that each of the classes in grades 7-12 are undergoing the Ohio Department of Education-required curriculum relating to Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, led by guidance counselor Debbie Gonterman.

“I’ve sat through some of the sessions, and it’s very important information for our students, helping them examine what a healthy relationship looks like,” Kauffman said.

The junior high and high school principal also noted that the grant-funded G.O.A.T. program — Greatest of All Time — is going well with 40 students currently enrolled. Shannon Maier leads the initiative to help pupils find their personal strengths and to build up their goals and self-confidence.

Also coming up next month, Kauffman said the annual Evening of Excellence is planned for March 8, and then March 14, juniors will take the ACT, while other pupils will participate in a community service day.

During the elementary report, Principal Bryce Hodge reported that the recent STREAM Night (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art and Math) was very successful, with more than 100 students in attendance for hands-on demonstrations and a light supper.

“I appreciate all of the staff’s help in putting this together, with more than three hours of after school involvement,” he said.

Next week, the principal noted that pupils will celebrate Right to Read Week, with the theme “Wild About Reading,” and various activities planned.

In other action, the board:

• accepted the resignation of Grace Corwin, paraprofessional, effective Feb. 1, and approved the employment of Heather Shoemaker, paraprofessional, effective Feb. 7;

• approved the employment of Shelley Gamble-Baker, custodian, for the remainder of the school year, effective Jan. 31;

• extended supplemental contracts to: Todd Guthrie, John Godwin, Zerah Crouch, shared head varsity baseball contract;

• approved membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association for 2023-24; and

• discussed the 2023-24 school calendar, with Aug. 22 listed as the first day of the school year, and May 23, 2024, as the last day of the year; vote on the calendar set for the next meeting, 6 p.m. Monday, March 21, at the school library.

Members also convened in executive session to: consider the compensation of public employees; and to review negotiations with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment. No action was taken after the session.