Riverside students win Ohio LifeSmarts Championship  

Riverside High School business students, from the left, first row: Jorden Dunham, Levi Buchenroth and Grady Jenkins, and second row: Hayden McCully and Carter Kreglow, will advance to the 2025 National LifeSmarts Championship after winning the state contest. (RIVERSIDE PHOTO) 

Riverside High School business students captured the Ohio StateLifeSmarts Championship by successfully fielding questions about real-life marketplace issues online last month. 

Riverside’s team of Carter Kreglow, Jorden Dunham, Levi Buchenroth, Hayden McCully and Grady Jenkins will be moving on to the 2025 National LifeSmarts Championship, which takes place April 24–27 in Chicago.

LifeSmarts, a consumer education competition that challenges teens in grades 9-12 about personal finance, health & safety, the environment, technology and workforce development, and consumer rights and responsibilities, is a program of the National Consumers League. 

   “LifeSmarts participants inOhiohave gained many of the consumer ‘smarts’ they’ll need to make it in the real world,” said business teacher, Lindsay Wyan, who will accompany the students on the trip to nationals. 

“We’re proud to havethese young men represent Riverside High School in theNationalLifeSmarts Championship and continue gaining practical skills that will advance them in their futures.”

If you would like to sponsor the team’s travel, reach out to their adviser, Lindsay Wyan, for more information on how to contribute.