Riverside board gets it done


Elementary school preps for STREAM Night

The Riverside Board of Education made quick work of two agendas Tuesday night, Jan. 10, covering organizational and regular school needs in less than 30 minutes. They started by re-electing Dr. Bradley Adams as president and Janet Siders, who ran the meeting in Adams’ absence, as vice president. Board member Blaine Dixon was also absent.

In addition, the board voted to continue convening every third Tuesday at 6 p.m. with the exception of November, when they will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 14. They finished the organizational agenda by voting to maintain their 2022 committee appointments and by passing the superintendent’s regular consent agenda items.

After adjourning, the board began their regular meeting by hearing from Dr. Scott Mann, superintendent, who shared accounts provided to him from principals Bryce Hodge, elementary, and Kelly Kauffman, middle and high school. Hodge reported they had 19 senior citizens at Tuesday’s monthly lunch, with square dancing entertainment from Cari Beth Noah’s third-grade class.

With the theme Winter Wonderland, the elementary school will present STREAM Night (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art and Math) on Thursday, Jan. 26, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The event, for students in pre-K through sixth grade, is sponsored by the Family School Partnership.

Hodge also let them know the second round of teacher observations was complete, adding, “I’m extremely proud of our teachers for the work they put in each and every day for all of our students.”

Kauffman’s report to Mann began, “We hit the ground running as soon as we came back from Christmas break,” starting with the Snowball festivities last week. “The game and dance were well-attended and fun was had by all,” she concluded. Kauffman credited council advisers Emilee Perkins and Darcie Jenkins for putting in the effort to make the event happen.

Wednesday, Jan. 18, 70 high school students will compete at the Regional Business Professionals of America at the Ohio Northern University campus.

“Our students have been preparing for this day for months,” Kauffman wrote, “and we wish them continued success.” Their advisers this year are Lindsay Wyan and Courtney Deady, who did a “phenomenal job,” according to the principal.

Finally, Kauffman encourages people to attend the school’s blood drive on Thursday, Jan. 26, admitting there’s a “desperate need” for donations.

In his own report, Mann told the board the new health clinic is on schedule to be completed in August. Riverside is working with Community Health and Wellness Partners of Logan County to create a new space to provide medical care for staff, students and the public. The clinic will be attached to an existing building west of the main offices.

They are also in the process of replacing the playground equipment and have narrowed down the installation job to two vendors. Going with a pirate theme, that play area will include foursquare and hopscotch, with a basketball court at one end.

In other action, the board approved or accepted:

• the employment of Kyle Knight, Walker Whitaker and Nate Copas as maintenance help on an as-needed basis per the 2022-23 adopted salary schedule;

• the 2023-2024 course calendar as presented

• the following local grants: $5,000 from the Mary Rutan Foundation; and $1,500 from the Logan County Education Foundation; and

• approved the severance payout in the amount of $18,993 to Mason Bryan.
The next meeting is 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 21, in the school district library.