Ridgemont Local Schools offers a fun and nostalgic flashback this weekend to the Rubix’s Cube, boombox, Atari and Star Wars and more in their spring musical, “Back to the 80s.”
The show hits the stage in three performances: 7 p.m Friday, March 21; 7 p.m., Saturday, March 22; and 2 p.m. Sunday March 23; at the Ridgeway Activity Campus.
Tickets can be purchased at the door, or at: https://www.ridgemont.k12.oh.us/TicketBoxOffice.aspx.
“Back to the 80’s” tells the story of the senior class of William Ocean High School, as remembered through the eyes of now 30-something Corey Palmer, played by Xavier Stuck.
Seventeen-year-old Corey, played by John Seeley, is madly in love with his next-door neighbor, Tiffany Houston, played by Hannah Houser, one of the coolest girls in the school. However, she is too busy mooning over Michael Feldman, played by Will Browning.
Michael and his friends are athletic and good-looking — the kind of guys that Corey and his two best friends dream of being.

However, while they may not be the coolest guys in school, they are still one up on Feargal McFerrin, III, played by Brenden Eckstein, whose best friend is his computer and who believes the crazy notion that one day, CDs will replace cassette tapes.
Throw in a Star Wars dream sequence, high-energy dance routines, the obligatory 80s party scene, copious amounts of blue eyeshadow and hairspray, as well as some of the most popular songs ever written, and the result is a musical that will delight and amuse audience members of all ages.
The show is directed by Lucretia Fenwick, Assistant Director Kay Dudgeon, Sound Technician and Set Designer Eric Dudgeon, Light Technician Kate Dudgeon and Stage Manager Tara Neer.
Fellow cast members include: Alf Bueller (Ayden Jones); Kirk Keaton (Connor Eckstein); Tiffany Houston (Hannah Houser); Cyndi Gibson (Zoey Miller); Mel Easton (Rylee Shepherd); Kim Easton (Lonna Kellso); Billy Arnold (Aiden Minix); Lionel Astley (Kolton Manns); Huey Jackson (Mihajlo Stosovic); Feargal McFerrin (Brenden Eckstein); Eileen Reagan (Lydia Houser); Laura Wilde (Willow Kearns); Debbie Fox (Taleya Demeter); Ms. Sheena Brannigan (Olivia Newland); Mr. Stevie Cocker (Tanner VanBuskirk); Radio Announcer, Jerry, Ensemble (Aiden Minix); and Amy, Cyndi Lauper, Featured Vocalist (Brooklyn Large).
Ensemble members include: Faith Newland, Annyka Barth, Sunee Vanbuskirk, Abigail Bowman, Averi Mull, Abbie Walker, Jasmine Fryer, Hayden Williamson, Aiden Swavel, Andrew Houser, Dylan Grogan and Casey Miller.
Crew members are: Skylah Taylor, Memphis Harvey, Alana Watkins, Ellie Kellso, Charlotte Ward, Vadeia Knox, Kate Russell, Connor Manns and Sammy A.