Rhodes takes first-hand look at Ohio government at Buckeye Girls State


Benjamin Logan High School student Claire Rhodes recently participated in one of the largest Girls States events in the country, with approximately 500 high school delegates and staff members as part of the weeklong 2023 Buckeye Girls State.

Sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary of Ohio, Buckeye Girls State takes place on the campus of Bowling Green State University. The program educates students on the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of good citizenship in a non-partisan, non-political approach to teaching the principles of American government.

A daughter of Neill and Tara Rhodes, Claire said she was very grateful for the opportunity to attend the conference from June 11-17.

“I would like to thank the Willard Stout Post 266, Belle Center American Legion Auxiliary, for sponsoring me for this amazing experience.

“This past week has provided me with many great opportunities to experience what the election and functioning processes look like in city, county, and state governments, as well as the daily job requirements throughout those governments.

“I was able to experience different workshops, pass a mock bar exam, and attend county and state caucuses as a member of The Federalist Party. I made so many new friends and memories at Buckeye Girls State and I think more girls should inquire about and apply to be part of this amazing event.”

Claire Rhodes is pictured with her campaign sign when she ran for the Ohio House of Representatives at the 2023 Buckeye Girls State. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)