Regional spelling bee winners named at CCS


Calvary Christian School sent 12 students to the Regional Association of Christian Schools International Spelling Bee Competition at Germantown Christian School in Germantown. Pictured are the students who placed within their grade levels at the competition. “We are proud of all the efforts of each student who won their classroom spelling bee and participated at the next level,” school officials said.

Third grader Gwyndolyn Davis, left, received second place and fellow third-grader Lulu Poeppelman placed fourth. (CCS PHOTO)

Eighth-grader Katie Worley, second row at the far right, received first place in the competition. Also pictured are, from the left, first row: fourth-grader Adam Adelsberger received fifth place; fourth-grader Ella Miller, second place; and fifth-grader Josiah Plikerd, second place; and second row: sixth-grader Landen Jackson, third place; sixth-grader Caroline Moore, fourth place; and eighth-grader Daniel Bender, fifth place. (CCS PHOTO)