Recreation district works toward continued success in 2023

The parks department’s winter walking program, in collaboration with Mary Rutan Hospital, is up and running as of Monday night and will continue through Thursday, March 9.

With updates on how things went in 2022 and an eye on what’s ahead for 2023, the Bellefontaine Joint Recreation District (BJRD) board had their first meeting of the year on Tuesday night. Three board members, including President Pat Ellis and the newly appointed vice president, Tammy Fowler, were absent. Ellis had asked Joan Haushalter to run the meeting in his place.

In the parks superintendent report, Kris Myers shared his excitement over the 2022 registration for their youth programs in sports, camps and clinics and sees potential for continued growth there. They’re now offering a travel option in several sports, along with the truly recreational one, and that setup has received a positive response.

“It doesn’t work with every sport,” Myers said, “but we’re always trying to offer programs that meet what the community wants.”

With that in mind, Myers posted on social media about incorporating the Miracle League Softball program for students with special needs, and the reaction was “through the roof.”

Especially encouraging to Myers is the renewed desire for recreational sports he’s witnessed since coming out of the pandemic.

Myers then called on Tim Hales, recreation coordinator, to update the board on the Letters to Santa outreach. According to Hales, 110 unique responses were sent to the children who’d included a self-addressed, stamped envelope with their letter. Hales worked with preschool teachers in composing the notes.

In addition, “Santa dropped off cookies and a letter to each class on the last day of school,” Hales said. “Overall, it was a smashing success for something that went from an idea to a reality in two weeks.”

Since it went so well and the red Santa letter box is still in great condition, the parks department will definitely run the program again.

In other news:

• Rental reservations continue to trend up. Myers suggested shifting fees in about a year, adding, “We’re finishing well from a financial perspective.”

• Two out of four 23-year-old heaters went out. The maintenance team stripped the good parts from the heaters they removed for use in the two still running, if necessary.

• Myers has contracted with DWA Recreation to install new playground equipment currently in storage at Ratliff and Myrtle parks sometime this month.

• The parks department came through the extreme cold snap over the Christmas weekend without incident, despite a heater issue at Myeerah. Fortunately, Joe Jackson, the city electrician, was able to get it working before anything froze.

• Myers is also working with the water department on a long-term solution for a water treatment issue at Myeerah.

• Regarding the Master Plan, Myers said they will meet with Bellefontaine City Auditor Frederick Brentlinger this week. This will prepare them to present their first rough draft to the steering committee on Wednesday, Jan. 11. “It’s been valuable to hear what the public has to say,” Myers admitted. “I’m excited to see how it turns out.”

• The board voted to continue holding their monthly meeting on the first Tuesday of every month in 2023, except July.

• In addition, the board nominated and approved Tammy Fowler to replace Karen Brady as vice president. They also reappointed Carol Robinson as board secretary. Attorney Kaileigh Vermillion joined them this week to fill the spot Brady vacated.

• Myers announced he and Hales will attend the Ohio Parks & Recreation Association Conference at Kalahari Resorts and Conventions in Sandusky from Jan. 29 to Feb. 1.

The next BJRD board meeting will take place at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7.