Pupils build nesting box to benefit owls at Myeerah

Bob Stoll, right, assists Benjamin Logan Environmental Science Club members with constructing a barn owl nesting box. (Benjamin Logan Photo)

The Benjamin Logan Environmental Science Club recently assisted in the construction of a barn owl nesting box, soon to be erected at Myeerah Nature Preserve.

The students spent part of the session researching a chosen owl species. Information such as prey items and where in Ohio their species are found were used to prepare a report that will be given to the rest of the club.

Club members also spent time in the ag shop, building the barn owl nest box. They learned simple construction methods and hand tool use as they assembled and finished the nest box.

Barn owls are cavity nesters and frequently use human-made structures, such as barns and other out buildings.

Because such sites are less commonly available to barn owls, nest boxes like the one prepared by the students, can help these birds thrive.

The Benjamin Logan Environmental Science Club meets weekly Wednesdays after school and engages in many environmental topics that connect these young people with the “Out of Doors” to create an appreciation for nature and what it offers to our daily lives.

Bruce Smith, Spencer Reames and Ryan Kerns, along with Bob Stoll lead this program. Grants from the Logan County Education Foundation and the Milroy Foundation supported this week’s program.

The Logan County Land Trust collaborates with Benjamin Logan Schools to make this program a success each year.

To learn more about the Logan County Land Trust, contact bob.stoll5.