Personal touches extend gratitude to veterans at ILHS ceremony

Local veteran Gerald Houchin poses with his family and grandchildren who attend Indian Lake Schools. (Indian Lake SCHOOLS PHOTO)

Indian Lake High School and Middle School students honored local members of the military during this year’s ILHS Veterans Day Luncheon and Celebration. 

Dozens of local veterans and some active members of the military gathered for a hearty meal in the ILHS Auxiliary gym served by members of various ILHS Clubs. 

ILHS students serve lunch to local veterans. (Indian Lake SCHOOLS PHOTO)

Then they moved into the Auditorium for a recognition ceremony. Each veteran was introduced as they entered the assembly and escorted to their seat. ILHS Student Council members led the Pledge of Allegiance and senior Daniel Wahl sang the National Anthem. 

Three Indian Lake Middle School students were invited on stage to read their essays of thankfulness to the veterans. Their essays were selected from a group of submitted works at ILMS. Students Samantha Altstaetter and Zeke McVety shared their essays, which emphasized how grateful they are for those people willing to serve our country. ILMS student Ali Everhart was sick, so senior Cambria Tuttle read her essay.

High school students explained the significance of the folds of the flag and senior trumpet player Svea Martini played “Taps.” Both the ILHS Chorale and ILHS Band offered up patriotic music, as well. 

The event ended with students personally thanking the veterans and getting photos with loved ones. 

ILHS students Riley Shaner and Matthew Culp fold the flag, while Gavin Spring explains the process. (Indian Lake SCHOOLS PHOTO)