Opportunities abound at Logan County College Day


The Midwest Regional Educational Service Center invited area high school juniors, seniors and their parents to the 42nd annual Logan County College Day Friday, Oct. 13 at Benjamin Logan High School. Participants explored a variety of options related to two-year, four-year, trade school or certificated programs, along with military and businesses offering tuition reimbursement options. High school students from Bellefontaine City, Benjamin Logan Local, Indian Lake Local, Ohio Hi-Point Career Center, Ridgemont and Riverside Local Schools participated in the well-organized educational opportunity. Representatives and admissions counselors from colleges, universities, technical schools, businesses, and the U.S. military met with students from each school during a prearranged time period. A panel made up of speakers from two-year, four-year, state and a private school in addition to the military spoke to the students to explain the various educational options and allowed for a short question and answer session. (Benjamin Logan Photo)