OHP program helps students develop leadership skills

Justin Lacher gives the Ohio Hi-Point Joint Vocational School District Board of Education an overview of the school’s Student Influencer Program at the board’s regular meeting Wednesday. (EXAMINER PHOTO | SHARYN KOPF)

As Ohio Hi-Point (OHP) Career Center prepares for a busy October, the district’s board of education heard about a group of students who will play a key role in those upcoming activities. Justin Lacher, student admission and retention coordinator, gave the presentation at the board’s regular meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 25.

It’s called the Student Influencer Program, and it allows participants to gain leadership skills by getting them out of their comfort zones. Responsibilities include tours and events, experience days for visiting students and social media content.

They really do gain leadership experience,” Lacher told the board. “We tell them that’s an easy mark on a job application.”

These influencers are, according to Lacher, an important part of the admissions team. They’re considered “the faces of the school” and, as such, shape the way current and potential students view OHP.

The program receives an average of 50 to 60 applications. Of that number, 24 were selected for the 2023-2024 school year.

In the district update, Dr. Rick Smith, superintendent, encouraged the board to watch the six-part video series covering the school’s core values—Accountability, Service, Prepared, Innovation, Relationships and Engagement (ASPIRE).

A 50th anniversary all-class reunion and community event will take place on Thursday, Oct. 3, from 3 to 7:30 p.m. The public is invited to watch lab demos, enjoy live music, grab something to eat from the food trucks, and, for alumni, take class photos on the hill.

Smith also recommended board members taste test the ASPIRE chocolates Chef Jason Cobb made for the anniversary celebration. They had samples of the six different flavors—which include peanut butter, amaretto and strawberry—at the meeting.

Last week, OHP invited career development expert and author Brooks Harper to the campus. Smith said Harper spoke to the students about “your name is your brand.”

Brad Richardson, career tech assistant superintendent, was up next. He covered several topics, students finished their participation in the last county fair for the year, Hardin, earlier this month.

Customer service programs are up and running, including The Nest, a student-run coffee shop at Graham High School.

The construction program laid concrete on the sidewalk on the hill and by the flag.

Twice a month, the district sends out a newsletter. “We’re trying to do a better job of communicating,” Richardson said.

In the enrollment report, OHP has 734 students at the Bellefontaine campus, which exceeds last year’s number by more than 100. They also have students participating in a little over 3,700 satellite classes (this number includes duplicates), which is consistent with 2023.

Monday, Sept. 30, OHP is hosting a web exam professional development (PD) meeting for teachers. Other educators planning to attend the event, free of charge, are coming from the Ohio State University, as well as Bellefontaine and Benjamin Logan high schools.

Career Tech is also finalizing plans for a PD day on Friday, Oct. 18. They hope to show teachers how to be more efficient at utilizing AI in the classroom.

This year’s fall craft show will go from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 12. They now have over 70 vendors.

Treasurer Lang presented the budget commission report, which proved the district is in good financial health. He asked the board to adopt the annual appropriations resolution for July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025, in the amount of $29,753,584.36.

In other action, the board approved or accepted:

approved internship agreements with Accurate Plumbing, Dublin; Allen Township Fire Department, Marysville; American Steel Fabricators, Springfield; Dunifon Master Services, Alger; Dunkin’ Donuts, Urbana; Hoffman Roofing & Siding, Woodstock; Holdren Brothers, West Liberty; Keller-Williams Realty, Marysville; Mid-American Flight Museum, Urbana; Mid-City Electric, Westerville; Nature Pure LLC, Raymond; Patriot Motors & Equipment, Marysville; Shelly Materials Inc., Belle Center Facility, West Mansfield; Tri-County Comfort Specialists, Urbana; Wallace Custom Building LLC, Lakeview.

salary schedule movements due to additional coursework for Jason Cobb, Mary Gist, Angela Haver, Katie Johnson, Megan Mast, Paul Morton.

Employment of Geraldeeni Robinson, classified substitute; Jason Cobb and Donald Jaunzemis as adult education instructors; Daniel Dye, certified substitute teacher; and Sherri Snyder, classified staff cook.

the following donations: Various equipment and supplies to be used in the EMT/fire program from Western Ohio Rescue Supply LLC, Mechanicsburg, valued at $22,500, as well as a 1995 100-foot aerial ladder truck plus various equipment and supplies from Bellefontaine Fire & EMS, total estimated value $0 in accordance with grant stipulations; travel expenses/package from EF Educational Tours for Monica Young, English teacher, and another staff member to be determined as chaperones for up to 18 students as part of OHP’s humanities program to the British Isles in March/April 2026, at no cost to the district. The board can withdraw approval should the region be determined as too dangerous for student travel.

Out-of-state professional development requests: Luke Ahern, Marysville High School (MHS) performing arts satellite instructor, and Doug Hughes, Marysville interactive media satellite instructor, to chaperone the MHS performing arts trip to New York City, NY, Oct. 18-20. All costs paid by Marysville EVSD; Mary Gist, Bunsold MS Ag/CBI satellite instructor, to chaperone the eighth-grade class trip to Washington D.C., Oct. 22-25. All costs paid by Marysville EVSD; Brad Richardson, assistant superintendent of career tech, and Brianna McCray, director of teaching & learning, to attend the Teaching & Learning Cohort: the AASA National Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 6-8, 2025, and the Innovation Technology Conference in Mountain View, CA, April 26-30, 2025. Approximate cost: $10,000.

Out-of-state study trip: Bailey Hemmelgarn, Marysville SCM satellite instructor, and Terrie Bodey, career tech supervisor, to chaperone approximately 20 students attending the DECA Sports and Entertainment Marketing Conference in Orlando, FL, Jan. 29-Feb. 2, 2025. Approximate cost: $1,510 for the instructor and administrator to be paid by general fund; $5,170 to be paid by the CTSO/students.

Tuition reimbursement, 100 percent for initial teaching licensure, to Paul Morton, 5 semester graduate hours, $2,524.

Resignation of Patricia Leiss, assistant treasurer, effective June 30, 2025, for retirement.

Education cooperation agreement with AEUG Union Solar LLC as presented.

The next OHP board of education meeting is 7 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 23. It will be preceded by a policy committee meeting at 6.