OHP BOE dedicates healthcare academy to long-term board member


As the Ohio Hi-Point (OHP) convocation ceremony came to a close Wednesday night, May 24, the school’s board of education (BOE) members made their way to the healthcare room in the career center for their regular monthly meeting. But they started it with a dedication that was far from ordinary.

Once the board members and numerous guests arrived, everyone headed into the hallway to reveal the new wall naming the Ann Marie Nicolosi Reames Healthcare Academy.

“This wall was designed, printed and installed by our students in media arts, graphics and construction trades,” Superintendent Rick Smith said, who also named FastTrack Signs as their business partner in the endeavor.

Reames, who has served on the OHP board for over 20 years and as president for the last 10, was recognized for her commitment to the school.

As Reames and her guests moved into another room to celebrate, the rest of the board members returned to business, with board vice president Matt McConnell leading the meeting in Reames’ absence.

The board made its way quickly through the agenda, with two main areas of focus: the hiring of new staff and the recognition of those who have been with the school long-term.

Regarding the latter, the board acknowledged the service and accomplishments of the following staff members with the Ohio Hi-Point Joint Vocational School District:

Five years: Luke Ahern, Bailey Hemmelgarn, Tyler Hodge, Kaitlyn Karam, Kelsey King, Megan Lacher, Summer Priest, Gregg Severt and Rebecca Stahl; 10 years: Kathy Evans and Lindsay Wyan; 15 years: Ryan Gilbert, Elizabeth Hensel and Rene Mejia; 20 years: Rodney Peterson; 30 years: Melissa Sizemore.

In speaking of this recognition, Smith said, “We’re always grateful for our staff and their servant hearts, which shows by their years of service.”

The board also approved the employment of four new staff members with one-year contracts from July 1 to June 30, 2024: Angela Haver, mental health counselor; Robert J. Lutz, Mount Victory, aviation instructor; Paul J. Morton, Galloway, diesel instructor; Elijah M. Woodruff, Bellefontaine, English instructor.

In addition, the board accepted a donation of $10,000 from Deborah Ellis for the Aspire wall contribution. Ellis gave the money in honor of Harold and Barbara Marker of Bellefontaine.

According to Smith, completing the wall will be one of the first projects students will work on this fall.

The next regular OHP BOE meeting is 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 28.