OHP announces student career summary reports, the end of ‘blizzard bags’


With a focus on the career-ready side of an Ohio Hi-Point (OHP) education, Superintendent Rick Smith and Assistant Superintendent Brad Richardson introduced a new benefit for students to the OHP Board of Education at their regular meeting on Monday, July 27.

The Career Technical Completion Summary includes certifications and industry credentials received, courses passed, credits earned and work-based learning hours.

“It’s better than a transcript or resume,” Richardson said. “They can show a potential employer all they accomplished and how they’re industry-ready in their field.”

In a later board update, Smith went over an addendum to the agenda that will affect how the school responds to calamity days. This is in response to a revised Ohio code.

The code puts an end to “blizzard bags,” replacing it with a three-day maximum virtual learning plan. OHP will provide teacher-directed synchronous learning for instructors and students to interact in real time.

However, if a majority of OHP’s 14 satellite schools close for any qualified reason, forcing OHP to do the same, they would have the option of also closing or making up the necessary hours through virtual learning, planned student internships, student projects or teacher-specified assignments.

To support online learning needs, students will be surveyed at the beginning of the school year and hotspots will be provided to those who need one.

Smith also updated the board on the costs of making sure at least one administrator went with students on out-of-state trips. Richardson stated it was a small percentage of the total cost, and the board discussed the importance of having two adult chaperones when students travel to other states.

The superintendent covered several items during his report, which he said showed growth in the district categories they’re tracking, with the data indicating an upward trend. In addition, he shared the following:

• Current post-program placement is at 93 percent. Smith would like to see that hit 95 to 97 percent. Their success rides on their graduates moving into one of the three Es: enrolled, enlisted or employed, Smith stated.

• The number of students returning for their senior year is over 80 percent. Smith said they are shooting for at least 84.

• Smith shared his goals for the upcoming school year. These include improving the Vision 2030 dashboard data, implementing the first innovation awards, and running a pilot mentoring program with Bowling Green State University.

In other action, the board:

• set evaluation committee meetings for Caleb Lang, treasurer, at an Aug. 16 session, and for Smith at the regular board of education meeting on Aug. 23;

• approved Kelsey King’s resignation as the data and assessment coordinator upon her approval of the new Indian Lake satellite agriculture instructor. King will replace Tanner Schoen, whose resignation was also accepted;

• approved Dawn Wallace’s resignation as Graham agriculture education satellite instructor, effective June 20, 2024;

• set full-time certified substitute pay at $165 per day, effective Aug. 1, 2023;

• approved George S. Noeth as a full-time substitute teacher on a one-year limited contract;

• approved the following out-of-state trips: These satellite agriculture instructors will chaperone students to Indianapolis, Ind., for the National FFA Convention, Nov. 1-4, 2023: Ali Peterson and Dawn Wallace, Graham; Jon Smith and Mitchell Gehret, Triad; Julia Hicks and Matt Roth, Kenton; Aaron Thompson, Upper Scioto Valley and Indian Lake; and Molly Harshbarger, Riverside; Wallace was also approved to chaperone seven students to West Lafayette, Ind., to compete at Purdue University, Oct. 19-23; an Indian Lake satellite agriculture instructor will chaperone four students to West Springfield, Mass., for a poultry judging competition, Sept. 13-18;

• Ashley Thompson, Marysville satellite agriculture instructor, will attend the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Ind., from Oct. 30 – Nov. 3;

• hired Robin Harrington as a special education coordinator on a limited one-year contract;

• approved Justin Rigsby as the CT supervisor (assistant principal) for grades 7 – 12 on a limited full-time contract;

• approved a shared service agreement with AGC/Belletech and Performance Columbus;

• the 2023-24 cafeteria prices will remain the same at $3.05 for a lunch tray, and $2 for breakfast;

• set stipends for innovative idea awards were set at $1,000 to first place, $500 to second, and $250 to third; and

• approved Dr. Gregg Fulmer from Mary Rutan Hospital of Bellefontaine as the school physician for the 2023-24 school year at an annual retainer fee of $1.

The OHP Board of Education’s next regular meeting is 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 23.

Brad Richardson, assistant superintendent at Ohio Hi-Point, speaks to the school’s Board of Education at their regular meeting Wednesday. (EXAMINER PHOTO | SHARYN KOPF)