NX Automotive achieves new employee giving record for United Way 


From left to right: Dave Bezusko, United Way executive director; Katelyn Roby, NX Automotive Logistics coordinator of human resources; Jeffrey Sprague, NX Automotive Logistics vice president; Shannon Henderson, NX Automotive Logistics division manager of human resources; and Becca McGillis, United Way donor relations director. (UNITED WAY PHOTO) 

Leadership at NX Automotive Logistics celebrateD a record-setting United Way campaign, announcing that associates pledged $168,564 in annual giving to the local non-profit for the 2024 campaign.

A total of 561 associates at the East Liberty employer pledged $168,564, representing a 13 percent increase over last year.  

“It’s just amazing what our associates give,” said Jeffrey Sprague, vice president of NX Automotive. “We do incentivize it with an extra day off and some prizes, but it’s just amazing what they give back to the community.”

The average personal gift from each NX associate was $300.47. NX has been the top-giving workplace to the United Way of Logan County Campaign each of the last six years and has set the bar high for the 2024 campaign.

NX runs their campaign earlier than most local companies to coincide with their fiscal year. United Way’s 2024 Campaign will formally kickoff Aug. 23, with a goal to raise $1 million to support its internal programs and funded agencies that support the health, education, and financial stability of every person in Logan County.

 “We recognize United Way as one of the best charities you can give to because they give back to so many different groups in the community and no matter what type of help you need, if you go to United Way, they can help find it for you,” Sprague said.  “That’s where we find the value in United Way.”