Needlework, quilting exhibitors’ handiwork kick off fair


Open class quilting winners include, from the left, Diane Smith, Anita Stanley, Sue Fullerton, Lois Stoll, Debbie Shellhaas and Nancy Losey. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

Open class quilt judging kicked off the 174th Logan County Fair early on Saturday morning, July 6, with Karen Spitler from Kari’s Quilt Shop in Anna serving as judge. 

More than 112 quilted items were entered into the fair and judged by category. 

Winners of Best of Show and Reserve Best of Show were as follows:

• Division 1 – Hand quilted: Best of Show – Sue Fullerton with a hand quilted heart wall-hanging; and Reserve Best of Show – Anita Stanley with a hand quilted flamingo wall hanging.

• Division 2 – Hand guided machine quilted: Best of Show – Diane Smith with a Spring wall hanging; Reserve Best of Show – Diane Smith with a colorful full size quilt. 

• Division 3 – Computer guided machine quilted: Best of Show – Lois Stoll with a Christmas wall hanging; Reserve Best of Show – Anita Stanley with a winter themed table runner. 

• Division 4 – Professionally quilted: Best of Show – Debbie Shellhaas with a one color trapunto style quilt; Reserve Best of Show – Piecemakers group with a Fall lap quilt. 

• Division 5 – Other quilted items: Best of Show – Nancy Losey with a hand appliqued unfinished quilt top; Reserve Best of Show – Debbie Shellhaas with a bag featuring felted wool and sashiko quilting

Needlework had another beautiful display featuring crochet, knitting, machine sewing, wool on wool and cross stitch. Judge this year was Karen Harpster, retired Family and Consumer Sciences teacher. 

Open class needlework winners include, from the left, Dianna Small, Lois Stoll, Marjorie Bixler, Nancy Losey and Debbie Horney (not pictured is Joan Leib Skidmore). (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

Open class needlework results were as follows:

• Division 1 – Crochet: Best of Show – Debbie Horney with a lace collar; Reserve Best of Show – Debbie Horney with granny square afghan. 

• Division 2 – Knitting: Best of Show – Joan Leib Skidmore witha three piece baby outfit; Reserve Best of Show – Joan Leib Skidmore with knitted gloves. 

• Division 3 – Needlework: Best of Show – Nancy Losey with a wool on wool table runner; Reserve Best of Show – Marjorie Bixler with a hand sewn Moravian Star. 

• Division 4 – Counted Cross Stitch: Best of Show – Lois Stoll with a graffiti style Fun in the Sun themed wall hanging; Reserve Best of Show – Lois Stoll with a sampler style heart wall hanging. 

• Division 5 – Machine Sewing: Best of Show – Lois Stoll with a multi pocketed purse; Reserve Best of Show – Dianna Small with a child’s romper outfit. 

All these beautiful quilts and needlework are on display in the Blue Building at the Logan County Fair all week. Stop in and enjoy the show, and participate in the quilt raffle. 

Current Logan Piecemakers service projects  — including toiletry bags, placemats and quilt tops — were highlighted during the quilt judging as well while various items were entered

The Piecemakers have donated over 86 quilted toiletry bags to the local TCN Soteria House domestic violence and sexual assault shelter.

A total of 40 placemats will be donated to the Brain Injury Support Group and 350 placemats will go to Meals on Wheels recipients for a Christmas gift. While this number may seem daunting, members are working hard on the goal and welcome participation from any area quilters willing to donate a placemat or 10. 

Another service project includes quilt tops for Lutheran World Relief. When the tornado hit Indian Lake, the First Lutheran Church of Bellefontaine quilters were quick to offer 100 quilts to residents hard hit and in need of a warm quilt. 

This depleted the supply quickly and quilters have been working hard creating 60×80 inch tops to be layered with backing and batting and hand tied for donation to those in need. At least four tops were entered into the unfinished quilt top category which will go to the relief effort. 

Any community member interested in donating unfinished quilt tops or wanting to help tie quilts should come to the First Lutheran church (across from Bellefontaine Fire Station) any Tuesday morning between 9 and 11:30 a.m. to lend a hand.