Indian Lake BOE: Industrial Solar reps, opponents offer discussion

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Indian Lake Board of Education members heard from members of the public and industrial solar representatives at their Monday evening meeting. (Indian Lake Schools Photo)

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Indian Lake Board of Education members heard from representatives in the industrial solar industry and several residents who oppose solar farms in our area during their June regular meeting. (ILS PHOTO)

Representatives from Open Road Renewables gave a brief presentation about the Grange Solar project proposed near Indian Lake during the public participation part of the meeting. 

They were followed by several members of the Indian Lake Advocacy Group who have many concerns about the impact that large-scale solar may have on the community. They urged the board to remain neutral on the issue. 

Board members listened to both sides and took no action.

In other news, Community Health and Wellness Partners CEO Tara Bair gave the board an update on the district health clinic. She reported the clinic served more than 500 patients, many taking advantage of on campus mental health services.

Superintendent Dr. Rob Underwood said, “We can’t say enough about Nurse Practitioner Breanna Detrick for the way she runs the clinic and for all she and her team did during the tornado to help support our families as we transitioned back into the classroom.”

The board approved several supplemental contracts for coaches and set meal prices for the 2024-25 school year.

Finally, the board also approved a contract with Washington Township to continue the School Resource Officer services. The Memorandum of Understanding with the Washington Township Board of Trustees is for an annual rate of $45,636 with grant funds, or $73,196.00 if Washington Township does not receive the SRO grant.

In other action, the board accepted, extended or approved: 

• the resignations of the following staff members: Jana Core, teaching position and Builder’s Club supplemental contracts, effective May 31; and Dan Thornton, teaching position, effective at the end of the 2023-24 contract; 

• the following classified contracts: one year — Robert Hill, four-hour bus driver; and Steve Warniment, assistant 4-Hour Bus Mechanic; and continuing —

Jami Hurley, EMIS coordinator/administrative assistant; 

• the following supplemental contracts for 2024-25: Jacque Strahley – Head Volleyball; Julie Grider – Freshman Volleyball; Diane Mouser – JV Volleyball; Marissa Davis* – Volunteer Volleyball; Janelle Maul – 8th Volleyball; Abbie Roe – 7th Volleyball; Ryan Dickson – Head Boys Wrestling; Phil Mackesy – Head Girls Wrestling; Mike Pequignot – Asst. Boys Soccer; Dallas Clary – Head Boys Soccer; Brian Levingston – Head Girls Soccer; Emali Davidson – Asst. Girls Soccer; Justin Metzger – Head Cross Country; Renee Metzger – HS Asst. Cross Country; Kristen Glink – MS Cross Country; Jonn Rapp – Head Football; Larry Cascioli, Bryan Claybaugh, Isaac Bennett, and Joe Teague – HS Asst. Football; Thomas Taylor – Volunteer HS Asst. Football; Alex Jacobs – HS Asst. Football Coach (9th Grade); Ryan Lillard, Brian Tidwell – MS Football; Michelle Parsell – HS Football Cheer, HS Competition Cheer (50 percent); Ashtyn Jackson – MS Football Cheer; Jamie Ross – HS Competition Cheer (50 percent), HS Basketball Cheer; Dean Elliott – Head Boys Golf; Todd Inskeep – Head Girls Golf; Zach Overturf – Head Boys Basketball; Josh Shelton – JV Boys Basketball; Seth Bodenmiller – HS Asst. Boys Basketball; Nick Tucci, Brian Tidwell, Chris Burden – MS Boys Basketball; Yasmyn Inskeep – Head Girls Basketball; Kaylee Shelton – JV Girls Basketball; Todd Inskeep – Volunteer Girls Basketball; Jeff Overs, Jim Even, Mike Pequignot – MS Girls Basketball; Hailey Even – MS Basketball Cheer; Lori Zarnosky – Head Swim; Gina Rucker – Girls Bowling; Jonn Rapp – Weight Room Supervisor summer; Nick Tucci – Weight Room Supervisor fall; Ryan Lillard – Weight Room Supervisor winter; and Yasmyn Inskeep – Weight Room Supervisor spring; 

• approved the following extended service Days for the 2024-25 school year: 

Alice Weygandt (HS Guidance), Greg Tuttle (HS Guidance), Mandy Tidwell (MS Guidance), 10 days; and Josh Shelton (EL Media Assistant) and Deb Metzger (HS Media Assistant), five days; 

• the Quiz Bowl Camp overnight trip to Jacksonville, Ala., June 22-29, 2024, and the Cross Country overnight trip to Cuyahoga Valley National Park July 21-25, 2024;

• the 2023-24 Blizzard Bag Agreement extension through June 30, 2027 with the Indian Lake Education Association as agreed upon during the April 2024 contract negotiations; 

• the Memorandum of Understanding with the Indian Lake Association of Classified Employees (ILACE) allowing paraprofessional assistants to serve as substitute teachers for the 2024-25, 2025-26, and 2026-27 school years.

• the following athletic pass prices: Adult All Sport – $120; Student All Sport – $70; Family Max – $380; 10 Event Flex Pass – $55;

• the breakfast and lunch prices for 2024-25 as recommended by the director of foodservice using the United States Department of Agriculture paid lunch equity calculation: elementary, breakfast $1.50, lunch $2.75; middle school, breakfast $1.50, lunch $3; high school, breakfast $2, lunch $3.50; adult, breakfast $2.50, lunch $4.50; 

• the renewal of the Ohio School Plan Property, Violence, Auto, Liability, Cyber and Pollution Insurance Policy in the amount of $115,320; 

• the three-year financial compilation proposal with Julian & Grube at $2,500 each year; 

• the Logan County Ag Mini Grant of $500 awarded to High School teacher Jamie Hampton; and 

• the $1,264 donation from Osgood Bank for senior fees and the $1,000 donation from the Indian Lake Chamber Tornado Relief Fund to the Building Student Funds to support the clothes closets.

The Indian Lake Board of Education meets again at 6:30 p.m. Monday, July 15, in the board office.