More than $1 million in generosity celebrated at United Way breakfast 

United Way of Logan County Executive Director Becca McGillis announces that the 2024 campaign finished with a grand total of $1,025,350. (United Way Photo) 

The overwhelming generosity of local employees and businesses took the spotlight Thursday morning, Jan. 30, at the United Way of Logan County’s annual awards breakfast, with workplaces and representatives from United Way funded agencies gathering at the Green Hills Community’s Foundation Hall. 

For the seventh year in a row, the United Way of Logan County exceeded its goal of $1,000,000 for the 2024 campaign, with a finishing total of $1,025,350, Executive Director Becca McGillis reported. 

The Top-Giving Workplace Award was presented to NX Automotive, which was accepted by Katelyn Roby, workplace champion; Rick Powers and team. 

The Traveling Trophies went to two businesses — CenterPoint Energy, Small Business Award, accepted by Corey VanHoose, Amanda Brubaker, Tony Hartzler, Keith Snyder and Matt Dolph; and Marker, Inc., Large Business Award, which was accepted by Scott Fitzgerald, Lexi Roby, Miranda Hickey, Sean Root and Joe Codispoti. 

NX Automotive was honored as the Top-Giving Workplace for the seventh year in a row at Thursday’s United Way of Logan County Awards Breakfast. (United Way Photo)

McGillis said this is the seventh year in a row that NX Automotive has been the top-giving workplace, with more than 600 employees giving throughout 2024. The average gift is $393 and combined with a corporate gift of $60,000, the company campaign generated a total of $204,175. 

Since 2017, NX Automotive has raised more than $1.2 million for the United Way of Logan County. Employees also participate in United Way programs, including Community Care Day and Stuff the Bus. 

CenterPoint Energy received the Traveling Trophy for the second year in a row, with an average employee gift of $1,724 and a 100 percent corporate match. The company also provides a corporate gift to the Dolly Parton Imagination Library and is a Community Care Day sponsor. 

All in all, CenterPoint Energy takes the per capita giving to “the unheard of levels of $2,012,” McGillis said. 

CenterPoint Energy received the Small Business Traveling Trophy Awards Thursday at the United Way of Logan County’s Awards Breakfast. (United Way Photo)

This is also the sixth year in a row that Marker, Inc. has received the traveling trophy. Employee participation also increased this year to 79 percent, with an average employee gift of $1,169 and a 100 percent corporate match. That takes the per capita contribution to $926 per person. 

Marker, Inc. also participates in Community Care Day and Stuff the Bus. 

Following NX Automotive this year, the other Top 10 workplaces for giving totals toward the 2024 campaign are: American Honda Motor Company, $111,690; Marker, Inc., $93,500; Mary Rutan Health, $45,018; Transportation Research Center, $42,117; AGC Automotive, $38,096; PCPI Plastics, $32,300; Foster Logistics, $31,496; Bellefontaine City Schools, $31,496; and Benjamin Logan Schools, $27,745. 

Marker, Inc. representatives were honored with the Large Business Traveling Trophy Award Thursday by the United Way of Logan County. (United Way Photo)